Chapter 3: Heart Wrenching

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Still Edmund's POV

As we were through into the dungeon I could hear the screams of my best friend not being let go. The dwarf had hit her again and again. She screamed painful scream.

"I enough!" I yelled getting his attention. "You aren't going to keep hurting her like that." I say trying to stand in my shackles. "Oh so you want some of this tiny king." The dwarf walk towards me, and grabbed me by my shirt.

Blow after blow happened and I'm sure I cried out in pain, but I felt better about this then them hurting her. Tears rolled down Evelyn's face as she watched in horror as blood ran down her own face.

After what felt like forever the pain stopped and so did the dwarf. My body was numb, but my feelings weren't.
Evelyn's POV
"Edmund.." I whisper as I watch my best friend sit there, clearly damaged. "Why would you do that?" I ask him as he leans against the wall. "I will never sit back and watch someone hurt you like that ever." He coughs out. "You're in this mess because of me after all." He says giving a small grin.

The queen came in with rounds of questioning. The beating for me stopped because I didn't know anything, but for Ed it kept happening. Well that was until a fawn spoke up. "The boy doesn't know anything else!" Me. Tumnus shot. "Oh is that so?" The queen asked, then she walked toward the faun. She was ready to do something to him. "They said something about the stone table!" Edmund yelled out.

I glanced at him as we all knew that was a mistake. Then the witch left with the faun.

"Isn't she just lovely." I say rolling my eyes. "Ev, I'm so sorry..I...I didn't know and..." "Edmund, I heard you that night." I blurt out. "What?" He questions. "I heard you talking to me the night you came here the first night." "I know you meant well." I say as my gaze softens.

"You knew, and you trusted me?" He asked again. "Well I didn't necessarily trust that the witch was queen, but I did trust our friendship enough to not let you go alone" I say smiling at what I'd just said. "Why are you smiling right now?" Edmund asks. I just don't know he realizes how happy I am to be stuck in this situation with him. It's a terrible situation, but with him, even if it's our last breath, I'm happy to be here."

Then there was when the witch came back. We were led to the sleigh. "Get in." She says with an icy tone. "I'd rather not." I deadpan and look at her. She strikes me. "Do you have no respect for your Queen?" She inquires. "No, not really." I say back. She hits me again. Then she grabs my throat. "Let her go!" Ed yells. She drops me. "What did you say to me?" "Let her go?" He says cocking an eyebrow.

"How dare yo-""didn't you have somewhere you wanted to go?" I cut her off. "I guess I did, now are you going to get in the sleigh?" She groans. "Might as well." I mutter being thrown in with Ed being thrown next to me.

We ride along through Narnia. It was extremely beautiful. I watch as the scenery went by. Then I realized something, the snow and ice was melting, and it was seemingly warmer.

Then we stopped.

The witch started speaking with a fox. "Your Majesties." He bowed. "Don't flatter me!" The witch snarled. "Not to seem rude, I was actually talking to you." The fox shot back. The witch scoffed. "Where are they?" She yelled. "Aslan is on the move and you know it." He says. She turns him into ice.

We get back on the sleigh and the witch says something about a camp. We travel for what feels like hours. However it was getting even warmer. The snow was practically gone. The best part of this was we had to ditch the sleigh since it kept getting stuck in the mud.

The witch was so mad. Ed and I couldn't help but snicker. We got whipped. Then when we got to her camp she tied us up. She set guards there with us too. Where did she think we were going? To Aslan? No we were tied to a tree.

"How are you feeling?" I ask Ed. "I'm sore, but I'm okay. How are you feeling?" He asks. "I'm sore too, but I'm hopeful. I feel the darkness fading." I say looking around.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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