the lorax part two ╔ au ╗

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// second part! //


"oh my god, leorio!you brought me a tree, i could just kiss you!" kurapika was smiling happily as leorio was holding a tree, fully bloomed and real. he was dressed in a suit and tie, smirking at the blonde boy. "yes my dear ahaha" leorio laughed as their lips locked, they ended up having a make out session during kurapika party, his family (?) all clapping at the happy couple.

"AAH!" leorios eyes opened, he was breathing heavily and sweat ran down his face. oh, he was just sleeping, he thought after he looked out the window next to his bed, seeing the moonlight in the dark sky.

what an amazing dream, but as he looked down he noticed his heart was beating to fast. "oh my gosh, kurapika, i will get that tree and make you mine!" he said in a confident tone.

after that, many hours has passed, "honey! someone's here at the door for you!" leorios dad called out, the spiky hair guy made his way down the stairs until he noticed, TONPA? "oh, mister tonpa, what are you doing here at our lovely home?" his dad said to the man, but leorio started to shake a bit, who wouldn't be scared of tonpa?

"well well well mister, may i please have a chat with leorio, your sim, alone?" his father shook his head yes, wondering what the mayor needed with his son and left the room, leaving tonpa and leorio alone.

"well leorio! i have a question, why would you wanna leave an amazing town like thneedville?" leorios eyes widened, had he really figured out what was going on? but before he spoke again, tonpa spoke first.

"we have cameras everywhere, so don't try and lie to me boy, if you do this again there will be major consequences, you will have to drink the forbidden soda!" leorio cringed, knowing what the orange soda was. the man just nodded, he would have to be more careful from here on out.

"alright i'll be taking my leave, be good!" and with that, tonpa left.

it was later at night now, leorio had realized to be more careful now that the government was after him, so he went onto his bike and started to drive off. but when leorio noticed the cameras, he smashed them quickly, so with that he made his way out the gate to go see the onceler for the rest of the story.

he rode his was to the forbidden place, "i'm back! now tell me the full story, the whole government is after me now!" leorio yelled as illumi walked out and nodded "oh so you did come back? hmm" leorio eyerolled "get on with it. i need to finish this story now or never!" "hmm ok now where was i again?" "gay sleeping." "oh yeah!"

✦ illumi pov

anyways some time has passed and i had made my first thneed! "sooo this is a thneed, hmph seems kinda useless if you tell me, and to think you cut up one of my precious trees for that!" hisoka shook his head in disagreement.

"oh cmon hisoka! it's good for anything!" i then started to show him the uses for the thneed, but hisoka still didn't like it. so i went out of the forest that day to go to the town to try and sell my thneed. "good luck illumi, you're gonna need it" that clown hisoka called out to me as i was walking away, and he kept chuckling!

days and days passed, no one bought my thneed, until one day i just decided to throw the thneed away. but it ended up on someone's head like a hat, i was worried the person would be mad but instead the women started at it in awe.

since i was worried she would be mad, i ran away quickly back into the forest.

"i'm back" hisoka looked up at me as i retuned, no thneed sold. "oh boo hoo! looks like i was right my dear." hisoka said while looking up from the game he was playing with killua and gon, his best bear friends. until a loud thumping sound was heard, there was hundreds- no thousands, of people wanting to buy some thneeds! i was finally rich, but there was a problem.

i had to cut more trees down, i didn't want to disappoint hisoka, as weird as that is, but i had too.

so i called my family and they came and helped me, i cut down so many trees that i made my own workshop.

it was so huge just like hisokas ass, but anyways ignore that. unfortunately, i became very selfish and used all the trees, i was all alone in my workshop, the world was very gloomy now, as i sat there, hisoka came to me, he told me some depressing news.

"i gotta go, no pollution! bye, you MONSTER." hisoka then grabbed his ass, ascending up to the light, leaving only one small little seed, his seed.

"dang you were kinda, evil and not to mention rude as hell." leorio tried saying in the nicest way, "well yeah! anyways take the dang seed and plant it. NOW SCRAM! "leorio smiled and ran off, "don't you worry illumi! i will plant this seed so down far into the soil even you'll be able to feel it!"

illumi just smiled as leorio drove off.


"GRANDMA BISKY, DAD! I GOT THE LAST SEED!" leorio screamed until he realized, tonpa was there, watching, "GET HIM" he yelled out to his two body guards as they began to chase leorio.

then, he got onto his bike and peddled as fast as he quickly as he could go, leorio saw kurapika and screamed loudly, "GET ON!" the blonde man didn't ask any questions, he never saw leorio get this mad, so he jumped on.

then as they went into the center of the town, he tried his hardest to pick up the fake the grass, to reveal the real grass understand, kurapika then saw the seed in leorios pocket.

"is that a tree seed?" he said in shock, leorio smiled and nodded his head yes, he was about to speak until he realized it was to late, tonpa was there.

"YOU WILL NOT DO THIS LEORIO!" but guess what! the whole town came together and plant the seed, knowing that finally they will have peace and live life how it was supposed to be.

kurapika was so happy, tears had swelled into his eyes and ran down his face, he pushed his face into leorios and gave him a big kiss. "oh my gosh leorio, i love you!" he said while crying, leorio was just in shock, until he began kissing him back.

and with that, tonpa exploded and died.

✦ time skip

a year has passed the whole town was covered in trees, plants, and flowers. it looked very beautiful, leorio and kurapika which who were now an official couple, held hands as they looked out the balcony of leorios home, looking at the damn world and the trees, with the fresh air blowing in their hair.

out in the far, was illumis home, "it's some good trees might i say."

illumi was smiling, which he rarely does, the black haired man looked up to the sky until a man floating down, holding his ass. "oh hey you actually did it lol! so proud of you" hisoka, also know as the lorax, said.

"yeah i did i guess" hisoka just smirked at his reply. "guess i'll be living with you now!" "wait what-"


the end

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