England without a monarch

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Elizabeth's advisors meet in London. "We need a Protestant King or Queen." "Why can't we put Mary on the throne?" "She might be like Elizabeth's half sister Mary Tudor. She killed Protestants." "We can put someone else." "But who?" "Isn't it obvious. Condé! He is Elizabeth's fiance. He should claim the throne for being engaged to England's powerful queen." "But he doesn't have Tudor blood in Jim which will anger not only Catholics but Protestants as well." "But he's the only Protestant we know who can claim England as his kingdom." "Well let's see how this king will rule then.", the advisors and without knowing that Catherine's spies where there listening and writing what they heard. They immediately reported to Catherine. "You're majesty. England plans on putting Condé on its throne." "Get my troops to go after him. He will not have England. Go!", he left and did as she said. Catherine rushed to Mary who was in the nursery. "Mary dear my I speak to you?" "Of course. What is it?" "England plans on putting Condé on the throne. You need to claim it!" "I can't claim England! I already rule two countries." "Mary listen to me. He will try to kill you, Francis and the kids. We need to stop him." "I'll speak to Francis too but I'll think about it." "Ok. But Mary please get rid of Condé." "I'll do everything it takes."

Author's note : I'm such a liar! I know I said Saturday but I guess today is the new update. It's short but at least it's an update. Next one will hopefully be this weekend

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