Chapter 1

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"Sir Kaeya, you've hit your limit. You have to go home now."

The owner of the tavern, Diluc, looks at Kaeya unamused. Kaeya has been drinking his wine for quite a while, chatting with the other patrons in enjoyment. Kaeya only chuckled at Diluc's words, continued drinking his wine in pure bliss.

"Master Diluc, how thoughtful. But I can assure you, I'm still okay."

Kaeya grinned at his own words, drinking what probably is his 8th glass of wine. His hand was about to reach the bottle of wine but was snatched by Diluc in mere seconds.

"Sir Kaeya, the tavern is closing. Please leave or I'll make you."

Despite wielding a pyro vision, Diluc's voice was harsh and cold. Kaeya knew that voice very well. He had heard this many times. The other patrons, including the drunk ones, already got up and left the tavern, leaving Kaeya and Diluc alone in there. Kaeya sighed at the redhead.

"Master Diluc, you're so cold. I thought you're hotter than that."

Kaeya grinned before he got off the stool, walking towards the door. He turned his head towards Diluc, smirking in cockiness.

"See you tomorrow night, Master Diluc."

Kaeya left the tavern, leaving Diluc to let a groan in annoyance. He turned around to clean the other items in his tavern, murmering about Kaeya's attitude.


Diluc finished his work and walked home to Dawn Winery, where the head maid Miss Adeline was there to serve him. She bows at Diluc and smiles at him gently. Every time Diluc looked at her smile, he felt like he saw a mother in her.

"Master Diluc, welcome home."

Her words are soft and full of happiness, and Diluc appreciates it. He sat down a bit on his chair as he saw his paperwork from the winery and ordered to sort it out.

"How's everything, Adeline? Is there anything I should take note of?" Diluc said with mannerism, yet still hold a characteristic that Adeline knew well.

"Everything is all good, Master Diluc. I've made some extra steaks today. Would you like to have some before you head to bed?" She said with a gentle tone, like a mother would to share her care with her child. Diluc smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

"Dinner sounds nice, Adeline. Thank you."

Diluc walks to the dinner table and sits down as the maids serve him dinner. Adeline stayed by his side, letting Diluc enjoy his meal with a gentle smile. She then remembered something and giggled a bit.

"Master Diluc, your usual fan mails are here. It's doubled than last month."

Diluc sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He wasn't sure why he's famous amongst the people, and getting fan letters is something he only appreciated from gesture.

"Adeline, can I not read them tonight?"

He asked as he finished his dinner, drinking his grape juice to wash the taste down. Adeline chuckled.

"Master Diluc, it's your choice. But, I do find one letter that might be interesting for a quick read."

She held the letter in her hand. The envelope was blue instead of red, pink, and white. There was a seal on the letter, but Diluc doesn't recognise it anywhere. He took the letter gently and inspected it.

"I see. Thank you, Adeline. Um, what about the other letters?"

He asked her curiously. Adeline kept her smile as if she's used to this.

"We can either store them away or burn them, Master Diluc."

Diluc gave an awkward smile at the second option. He forgot to never get on Adeline's bad side. He knew this too well.

"How about the first option?"

He asked gently, trying not to let Adeline burn the letters. Adeline nodded and told the other maids to help get the letters to store it away. Diluc got up from the dinner table and went to his office room, started to work on his paperwork for tomorrow and the day afterwards.

The moon was the light that shone in the dark of night. Diluc finally finished some of his work and was about to head to bed when the blue letter got his attention. He took it and inspected it before opening the letter.

Dear Diluc,

I'm just a regular patron of yours in your tavern, and you'll always be in my eyes whenever you're there. I don't have the courage to tell you how I feel, so I can only write my admiration towards you by a letter. I hope one day, I'll get the chance to tell you the truth of my heart, and even if you don't feel the same, I hope we'll be acquainted instead.

By, K.

Diluc pondered about the letter. A confession letter, it's short yet still holds a lot of emotions. He wondered who this "K" person is. There's no clue other than they're a regular customer there.

"Hm... This should be interesting then."

Diluc looked up at the moon and decided to head to bed. He placed the letter down on his table before laying down, resting for the night. As his eyes close, he remembers the contents of the letter. And for whatever reason...

It made him smile.

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