Chapter 13: The Depths

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I waste no time getting back up and I run toward the door again. As soon as I step outside, a boot lands square in my chest, sending me flying back through the door and tumbling on the ground. I gasp for air as the blow hit me right in the solar plexus, temporarily paralyzing my diaphragm making it hard to breath. Oh fuck!

Suddenly several men jump on me, pinning me to the floor while others begin pummeling me. I do my best to fend off the assault, but there are too many hitting me.

"Fucking cunt! You are DONE! You hear me! YOU ARE DONE!!!" One of the men yells at me.

"Someone get me some rope and a sack! The rest of you, fuck her up!" Someone else yells.

This is the worst beating I have ever experienced. I'm bleeding from everywhere. Blood is in my eyes and my mouth. I felt several ribs break. They are even punching my arms and legs! Suddenly someone starts tying my ankles together, and then someone grabs my hands and ties them together. They roll me on my stomach then hog tie me. The beating is even worse now as I'm tied up and have absolutely no way of defending myself.

"Put her in the bag!!" Someone shouts.

One of the guys picks me up by my arms, causing searing pain to go shooting through my shoulders. It feels like my shoulders are being torn apart! I get stuffed in a large burlap bag and several more punches are directed at my head, causing my consciousness to waver. My head is swimming and I feel like I could black out any second. I can still hear them talking.

"The fuck is we going to do with her now?!" I hear some of them ask.

"Let's take her to the depths. We will dump her there. Let the dungeon take care of her." Another answers. Several others chime in with "Yeahs!" And expletives hurled toward me.

I'm barely aware of what's being said. Depths? Dungeon?! I definitely don't like the sound of that. Where are they taking me?! I get thrown over someone's shoulders and they start walking. Several of the men are accompanying the guy carrying me, and along the way they take a shot or two at me. Tough guys! Have to hit me while I'm tied up in a fucking bag! Pussies! At least I got two of them. I hope they fucking die! And suffer while they die!

It seems like they have been walking for hours. At some point we entered a structure or a cave. I can't tell because I'm in a fucking bag! I could tell we are no longer outside because the men's voices started to echo off the walls of wherever we are. It's about several more minutes of walking, and then suddenly I get thrown where I hit a wall, and fall to the floor. Being unable to brace myself for the impact with the wall and eventually the floor, all I could do is take the damage. 

"Enjoy your final moments bitch! I hope your death is slow and agonizing. Enjoy hells fire with that whore of a mother of yours!"

The men all walk away, and I can hear their laughter getting further and further away. Where the fuck am I?! I'm still tied up in the bag! Those assholes left me tied up in this fucking bag! How do I get out of this shit!

I got an idea. I can feel the rope in my hands! I charge up my hand that can feel the rope.


The robe easily burns through, and my hands are free. A hole was burned in the burlap sack I was stuffed in, so I tore that hole wider and crawled out. I used flame again on the ropes binding my feet. I'm free, but am I really.

I try to stand up but I smash my head on something, and I fall back down. It is pitch black and I can't see a god damn thing. I rub my head until the pain subsides. I hurt everywhere. So what's another bump on the head right?! I cast flame and immediately see I'm in a small space, probably 8 feet by 8 feet. The ceiling was low, just barely taller than me, and shorter than me in some places as evidenced by the shiny new bump on my head. The opening to this room is small, about half the size of a regular door, jut just the right size for me to walk through it.

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