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Dear Diary:

This is so lame. My therapist gave me this stupid journal and told me to start writing it it so I can "focus on the good in my life" or whatever that means. Anyways, i'll give it a try. My names Aurora Callahan. My friends call me Rory. I play soccer, I like the color blue, and I have a cat named Coraline. My best friends are Lottie, Van, and Taissa; they play soccer with me. ALSO tomorrow is our nationals game. Our soccer team is already basically ignored because we are girls. If we could just win nationals and rub it in the boys stupid faces that we did what they haven't been able to do for the last 20 years it would be incredible. Anyways I don't know how long I'm going to keep this whole diary thing up, I already feel stupid. I have to go to school... I'm not bringing this shit with me sooo SEE YOU AFTER WE WIN NATIONALS!! Bye Diary.

                                                                       THIRD PERSON

Rory throws the diary on her bed and begins getting ready for school. Rory puts on her favorite pair of overalls and a white t-shirt and does her regular morning routine before Lottie and Tai come and pick her up for school. She grabs a banana off the counter and runs to Lotties car so she doesn't leave her again.

"looks who's on time for once in her life?!?!" van yells as she gets out of the passenger seat so Rory can get in the back.

"real funny.its a big day I wouldn't dare be late! Im just glad Lottie had the patience to wait for me today" Rory says as she gives Van a quick hug and jumps in the back seat.

The girls laugh and joke the entire way to school. Lottie and Rory have been best friends since first grade when Rory taught Lottie how to tie her shoes. Such an insignificant moment for most people, but this small gesture ignited one of the strongest friendships anyone has ever seen. The two girls looked out for each other through thick and thin. Rory is the only person to know about Lottie's schizophrenia and Lottie is the only one who knows Rory is gay. And as far as they were aware, it was going to stay that way. Van transferred to their school as a freshmen and they were entranced by her skills as a goalie; but it was ultimately how much of a goof ball she was that drew them to her. Van has this infectious personality that makes everyone around her adore her. 

As they pulled into school they saw Tai get out of her moms car. Van leaped from the car and ran over and gave her a big hug. They locked eyes and caught up on their lives since they last saw each other 12 hours ago.

"do you think Van knows she in love with Tai or do we need to tell her" Lottie says laughing 

"She for sure knows but she definitely thinks she's being real secretive about it" said Rory as she got out of the car and began walking with Lottie out of the parking lot.

"speaking of in love.." Lottie says giggling as she switches glances between Natalie and then to Rory. 

Rory hits her in the arm playfully "leave me alone! we both know she wouldn't leave Travis for me... she doesn't even bat for my team." 

She looks at Natalie and admires her dark blue eyes and her shaggy bleach blonde hair. She is smoking a cigarette while talking to Travis. Travis is their soccer coaches son. He would come to every practice to watch them. He soon set his sights upon Natalie. At first she didn't seem interested but after a lot of flirting and gross touching, that Rory noticed every second of, Travis finally convinced Natalie to be his girlfriend. It definitely  wasn't a stable relationship to say the least. They broke up once a week because Travis would be a little too nice to the head cheerleader or steal some money out of her wallet. It infuriated Rory because she knew she could treat Nat better than him... if only she just liked girls.

Yellow Jackets NATALIE SCATORCCIO X RORY CALLAHANWhere stories live. Discover now