━ 12 | Valentine's Day

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❝For you, Novana. Happy Valentine's Day.
It's lovely, thank you.❞


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There was a flurry of rumours about her disappearance when the rest of the school returned from their Christmas holidays because everyone thought she had been attacked.

So many students filed past the Hospital Wing trying to catch a glimpse of her that Madam Pomfrey placed her curtains around Hermione's bed to spare her the shame of being seen with a furry face.

Nova, Harry, and Ron went to visit her every evening. When the new term started, they brought her each day's homework.

Determined to take the best notes for Hermione for each class, Nova even stayed awake during History of Magic despite that being the only class she could catch up on sleep.

Nova felt rather sick one night as she sat curled up on her bed while everyone else was asleep. She had been feeling sudden spurts of lightheadedness all day whenever she stood up or moved her head too quickly. Her hands would tremble whenever she picked up a quill or reached for her bag.

Harry had noticed her sudden drop in health immediately and grew concerned. He insisted on taking her to the Hospital Wing but was shot down by Nova, who said she was just feeling a little under the weather.

He wasn't convinced, considering how much paler she had gotten ever since the Polyjuice Potion, but he let her skip the trip to the Hospital Wing as long as she drank at least one cup of water after each lesson.

It also didn't stop him from carrying her books and bag so she would not strain herself anymore for the rest of the day.

Nova had thought a lot over the past few weeks that Hermione had been in the Hospital Wing about the Chamber of Secrets and Tom Riddle's diary. She pondered when she started feeling so sickly, like how she felt the whole day.

It hit her like a wave as it crashed against her chest, her heart being sucked underneath the surface of guilt and shame for not realising it sooner.

The diary. . . she thought, her eyes flooding with tears as she racked her brain for answers. It started with Tom's diary.

Since she first wrote in the diary, it was like a part of her was missing. She didn't realise it then because she was so caught up in finally being able to talk about her fears to someone that she had no idea Tom was taking over her consciousness.

Nova felt betrayed in a sense. She thought Tom was her friend, listening to her deepest and darkest fears when she was scared that no one else would. She told him everything.

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