ch 2.

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Man, I totally freaked out back there..I hope I didn't make myself look stupid..

You couldn't stop tossing and turning from yesterday night, you still couldn't believe you met Shigaraki at that luxury club you had wished you'd at least were actually able to serve them though then you probably could've saw the whole band.

"How lame.."

Groaning you ran your hand through your hair frustrated, you had at least wished you didn't make yourself look like such a fool in front of Shigaraki either..

It was unexpected seeing LOV there, you thought you were just gonna be seeing influencers there not musicians.

Well they're all under the celebrity category.. 

You couldn't sleep, you glanced over at your at your phone checking the time.

2:36 AM ??

I gotta sleep, I shouldn't be overthinking like crazy plus Shigaraki wouldn't even remember me anyways or at least I'd hope he wouldn't, I mean it wasn't like I'd ever see him again..I hope..

Now there was this nervous feeling in your gut, why did you even feel nervous in the first place? Shigaraki had done nothing but ask you to do your job, his expression had even looked annoyed when he had looked at you. It made a little more sense now you were nervous of possibly facing one of the guys you had looked up to again, nervous from embarrassment..

Staring up at the ceiling you laid there in bed becoming lost in thought, after a few hours though you began to feel your eyes becoming heavy eventually falling into a deep sleep.

A sleep so deep that you managed to miss at least half an hour of work, you hoped this wouldn't get you fired.

You quickly ran towards the train as it was about to take off, successfully managing to find a seat so you could sit down and breathe after all that running.

"Is this seat taken?"

You heard a someone ask as you turned your head over to the person asking, they wore a hood that completely covered their face along with some shades which you didn't see necessary since they had their face already covered by that hood.

"No, you could sit here."

You moved your bag off of the seat, allowing the person to take a seat next to you. Although this person was covered up it was clear that he was a man since his voice was low and sorta husky, thinking this now it kinda frightened you a bit, what if this man was a stalker or something and you didn't notice? He did look a little suspicious and creepy at that with the way he was dressed..

It was quiet the entire time, he hadn't tried conversating with you at all maybe he wasn't a stalker, how stupid of you to even think someone would wanna stalk you in the first place..

Leaning your head back against the seat you stared out of the window of the train, now focusing on the possible issue your going to face right now, what if your boss just dropped you then and there? There wasn't even a point to explain yourself it felt like you've already caused so much for him..

What would I do afterwards? Now all those thoughts were coming back to me again, if he let me off the hook today then I'll have to work even harder than before to show him that I'm actually trying.

"You look completely lost in thought, what's a pretty girl like you thinkin' so hard about?"

I take back what I said maybe this guy is a creep, why is he calling me 'pretty girl', what a weirdo..

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