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Aelia Victorian

I woke up around 6. Tony used to make me wake up around this time and surprise, beat the living shit out of me. For what? I don't know. I was their punching bag, their anger reliever.

I slowly got up and freshened up. I took a shower, lotion my body, brushed my teeth, flossed them, washed face but I kept my natural curls in a messy bun.

It's not like I had any gel. But I'm not complaining, I promise I'm grateful for this.

I got back in bed and waited for the sunrise but was met with a AI voice startling me. "Aelia, please come down stairs for breakfast." The AI spoke from no where making me look around in confusion but I realized it was coming from the ceiling.

I followed the AI's directions and opened my room door quietly. My bare feet hit the cold marble floors repeatedly as I walked down the hallway.

I slowly walked down the steps but once I reached the bottom I looked around for the kitchen.

I turned a left and was met with a humongous dining room which contained loads of different breakfast foods I knew and didn't know.

Donovan sat at the end of the table in the same black attire. His hair in a slightly messy slick back.

His grey eyes pierced onto mines and he slightly tilted his head, "you've took out your braids." He pointed out with his thick accent as I stood like a dead duck.

I didn't know where I should sit, I didn't want to pick the wrong choice. "Sit anywhere you would like." He said as if he could read my mind.

I glanced at him before sitting at the farthest seat from him. "Eat Aelia." He told me as I looked down at the empty plates.

"I'm not hungry." I said and he sighed softly, "I understand that your not hungry but I want you to feed yourself. Doctors orders." He clarified making me take in a deep breath and put a pancake on my plate with a little bit of eggs.

I took a bite of the eggs to show him I'm eating but took my slowest time to chew so I couldn't have to take another bite. Went so long without eating I guess I don't need to eat. Don't feel like eating anymore.

"As much as you don't want to talk... I need you to talk, tell me speak to me." He softly said making me swallow and glance at him.

"There's nothing to spe-"

"I was in Germany those past weeks. I was never informed about anyone coming in. Explain to me Aelia." He said with a serious voice making me sigh as my bottom lip quivered.

My mouth slightly parted but they shut closed when Mary came in, "sir, Leo and Tony." Mary softly said making me look down and drop the silverware.

Footsteps approached me making me bite my bottom lip and tightly shut my eyes, "long time no see, Aelia." Leo whispered in my ear making small tears escape my eyes.

He chuckled just as Tony crouched down to my ear, "I'm not here to hurt or touch you Aelia. I promise." He whispered softly before siting besides me making me tense up.

Leo grabbed the eggs off my plate and sat across for me making me bite my lip hold in my emotions.

"I'll meet you both in the meeting room." Donovan stated sternly making the sound of chairs scooting out fill my ears.

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