Gone With The Wind

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Oh you sweet human, 
Never compare your beauty. 
Let your heart bow to none,
And just be happy truly. 

My poor little butterflies, 
I know you can't see your charm, 
But take some advice, 
And to yourself don't do harm. 

What doesn't meet your eye, 
And definitely makes you smile, 
Are those which truly within you lie, 
And romanticize your life. 

Live, laugh and love to your heart's content, 
Appreciate your life and the happiness that you get, 
Chase after your dreams because for you they are meant, 
And after you succeed your future-self will never regret. 

~ ~ ~ 

This poem is for my friend GimmeCANDY111

She was the one who inspired me to write a poem about self love and physical beauty.
It occurred to me that butterflies can't actually see their wings, which stops them from admiring their own beauty. If we relate it to us, humans generally can't see their beauty either. But the only difference is, we can feel it if we want to. So please just know that you're beautiful no matter who you are, what you are and how you are. You never need to change yourself for anyone else.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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