Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 | Not so Heartless

Baekhyun made a dashing entering into his company and there he saw a crowd of reporters blocking Yumi's way from entering.

Without saying a word, Baekhyun walked pass the crowd, and immediately they noticed him, they all started leaving, Baekhyun is the last person they want to provoke.

"Fools. Staying longer would have provided more news for your damn over inquisitive minds." Baekhyun grabbed Yumi by the hand and pulled her along to his office.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Baekhyun yelled as he stepped into his office. He pushed his wife really hard that she hit her back against the wall.

"What on earth made you use the taxi? Are you out of your mind? Are you trying to destroy my reputation?"

"Sir, why are you getting angry at me when you actually forbid me from using your car?" Yumi asked in a low tone while looking at the floor. She was confused and scared, so she avoided any eye contact.

On hearing the question the girl asked him, Baekhyun became provoked. "Once again, the slave dares to speak back when I clearly didn't ask her to," Baekhyun muttered to Yumi's hearing with a short chuckle escaping his lips.

"Sir, I know I'm nothing but a slave, but it's not proper to keep quiet when I know that I'm not wrong-"

"Shut up Yumi. I command you to never speak when I'm speaking." The Mafia squeezed Yumi's jaw in annoyance as he stared straight into her eyes.

"Speak again and I will kill you this instant. You're my slave and so you will only speak when I ask you to. Get it?"

Yumi quickly nodded in response with tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Now get lost and get to work, I don't want to see you anywhere around me throughout today."

"Yes, Sir." Yumi picked up her bag and rushed over to her office.

Getting to her office, Yumi shut her door closed. She fell on her knees and sobbed.

What did I do wrong? Why does Baekhyun hate me so much? He asked me not to use any of his cars, and now he's hurting me. What do I do?

Yumi sobbed with her hands covering her mouth to suppress her cry, but the door to her office was suddenly pushed open revealing a masked man with a knife.


Baekhyun walked over to his chair and sat down. He stared at the door while thinking about something.

"What really is going on? I mean Yumi wasn't lying right now, but then who the hell called those reporters over here, and who asked Yumi to come over to the company with a taxi?" Baekhyun asked no one in particular. He grabbed his laptop and switched over to the security cameras implanted in his mansion, and there he saw Yumi and MinSeo, and he also heard their conversations.

"What is wrong with Minseo? What really is she aiming at?" Baekhyun closed his laptop and left for his meeting, but a small frightened figure ran into him with a shivering body, and the Mafia could feel it.

"Seems you're really blind," Baekhyun questioned without looking at the scared female.

"I'm so sorry, Sir." Yumi stepped away from Baekhyun and ran off.

"Was that Yumi? Why was she scared and who's chasing her that made such horror so prominent in her eyes?" Baekhyun muttered. He looked at the Yumi running off, and he just turned around and left because he can't afford to be late, it's just not his thing.

"What do you want from me? Please let me go." Yumi kept on running till she got to a dead stop. She looked at the man with terror evident in her eyes. She was so scared that only tears began to stream down her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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