Chapter 11

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Right before evil Laval could punch Laval Eris slambed a stick on the right side of his face so hard he was on cuntious.

(Eris POV)
"Laval are you OK?" I said picking him up "yeah.. no" he said trying to get on his feet but feel "how did you now I was here?" He said to me "I don't really know....I just got your sword and saw you here" I said.

Just before they left evil Laval got up "look how arrived, Eris its nice to meet you again" he said getting up "what do you mean again" I said holding Laval "you don't remember me?, we meet in your dream after all" he said which made my mouth drop.

"Your dream was a warning that I'm coming" "for what? What is it that you want?" I said "I'm here to destroy all the animals that you know and love, starting with him" he said pointing at Laval.

"I won't let you hurt him" I said pointing my ax at him. He then started laughing "watch me" he said. I tryed to hit him with my ax at him but he dudge it and punch me in the stomach.

"Your fast but not fast enough" he said aproching me. He then grabed my hand and slumped me to a tree "I won't hurt you mentally" he said letting me go"what are you going to do with me?", "I'll hurt you emotionally".

In the meantime Laval got up and saw evil Laval got close to Eris. He got up but feel in so much pain "I don't care how much pain I'm in, I have to save her" he said getting up grabbing his sword.

I tryed to back away from evil Laval but I hit a tree behind me he then made a fist and black fire came out "ready to see your nightmare?" He then touched me in the head and I feel to the ground.

I don't know where I was all I saw was darkness everywhere and a fog surrounded me "Laval.....Laval.....Laval.." I said but his name was just echoing. I walked around but I never moved I started to feel cold.

(Laval POV)
I aproch evil Laval and saw Eris on the ground "WHAT DID YOU TO HER!!!!!!"" I said angerly rushing to Eris but evil Laval stopped me "don't worry I'm just showing her her nightmare" I said with a smile on his face.

"You will pay for his" I tryed to punch him put fell to the ground "don't even try the poison will reach your heart any minute" he said "how do you know I have poison" I said trying to get up.

"Remember the plant you fell on and you got stabbed by one of the thorns?" "Yeah" "the thorn had some of your blood and when it started to mix with the poison I was made" he said shock skocked me.

"Now where where we?" He said grabbing my leg and throwing me to the water I came to the surface to get some air but evil Laval dragged me down the water.

Eris was still in her mind she felt cold and alone she looked around but no one was around she started to cry she curled her self trying to keep warm but it dirent work "Laval please save me please" she said crying again.

Evil Laval was destroying Laval he's much powerful then Laval thought. "Face it Laval you'll never defeat me" he said punching him rapidly.

"I'll never give up to the lacks of you" I said getting up evil Laval knocked him over"if you want to save her you have to get me out of her range" he said

I got up and tackled him making him get out of Eris's range but he stabbed me around the stomach with a knife i screambed in pain I let him go.

"You won't be able to save her you know" he said dropping the knife. "I'll save her no matter what" I said getting up and wiped the blood away.

"Do you really think you can defeat me?" He said smiling I'll SAVE HERNO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!" I screamed running and tackled him he pushed me off him. Making me fall to the ground.

He then aproch me I saw my sword I tryed to reach it "just a little bit closer" I said reaching. Evil Laval grabbed my leg but I grabbed my sword in time

"You'll never dea....." that's all he could say he looked at his cheast their was a sword sticking out of him. "Yes... yes I can" I said holding my stomach trying to cover the blood.

I aproch him getting the sword out he looked at me "this I sent the last time you'll see me" he said then vanished. I looked around and he was gone.

Then I realised something "ERIS !!!!!!!" I screamed running to where she was I touched her she felt cold.

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