🍁 Twenty-Five : Embracing The Truths

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"Vincent, you're back," Genevieve exclaimed, her voice a blend of joy and bewilderment. "I missed you so much. Why didn't you tell me?"

Her arms instinctively reached out for him, but Vincent took a step back, a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry, Evie," he chuckled. "I might not smell great. It's been a rough journey."

Genevieve blinked, caught off guard by his unexpected comment.

She brushed it off with a gentle smile. "I don't think you wouldn't be mind considering everything. But, It's okay. I'm just glad you're here."

As they stood on the porch, Genevieve's gaze wandered, noticing the absence of Vincent's belongings. "Where are your things?" she asked, her brow furrowing with concern.

Vincent hesitated, his translucent form flickering with uncertainty. "Oh, I left them somewhere," he mumbled, avoiding her gaze.

Confusion clouded Genevieve's expression. "Somewhere? What do you mean? Where did you leave everything?"

Vincent struggled to find the right words, his ethereal form shimmering with frustration. "Evie, there's something I need to tell you," he began tentatively. "But I'm not exactly..."

Before Vincent could finish, Lady Susan stepped forward, sensing the delicate nature of the situation. She interjected smoothly, "Hello, Vincent."

As Vincent prepared to share his truth, Lady Susan's cheerful greeting interrupted him, slicing through the tension like a ray of sunshine.

Turning to face her, Vincent's smile widened, grateful for the timely distraction.

Meanwhile, Genevieve, momentarily taken aback by Lady Susan's sudden appearance, had almost forgotten she was there.

Her confusion lingered as she glanced between Vincent and Lady Susan, trying to make sense of the situation.

Sensing the need to smooth over the awkwardness, Vincent quickly seized the opportunity. "Oh, Evie, I completely forgot to mention that Lady Susan was coming over today," he said, his tone apologetic.

"Just Susan," she corrected him.

Genevieve's furrowed brows relaxed slightly, the tension in the air dissipating.

Lady Susan, stepped in, extending a warm invitation. "Well, let's not stand around outside. Come inside for some tea," she said, her tone inviting and reassuring.

Genevieve felt a sense of relief wash over her at Lady Susan's comforting presence. With a grateful smile, she followed them into the house, her curiosity piqued and her heart lighter.

As they stepped into the cozy living room, the aroma of freshly brewed tea enveloped them, lending a sense of warmth to the atmosphere.

Settling into their respective chairs, a brief pause filled the room, the unspoken tension hanging between them.

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