Chapter 4 - year 1 - The Chamber of Secrets

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                  ~✨"How dare you ?"✨~

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                  ~✨"How dare you ?"✨~

With appointment of Lockart , things were constantly going downhill in DADA classes . His classes were all about himself .
All the girls had resorted to giggling whenever Lockart passed them . Maybe Ginny and Y/N weren't the only ones who went all giggly .

Once they were sitting at the lunch table with the others . Ron didn't look exceptionally well that day . Even Hermione was quite quiet during the lunch .
Ron suddenly banged his fist on the table and spoke out aloud ," I am gonna hex that slimy git Malfoy into oblivion !"
Y/N's head turned towards him and saw all the others trying to shush him with glares .
"Why would you hex me ?" She asked the ginger .
"Not you ! Your brother ." He said , shoving a piece of sausage into his mouth .
She gave out an exasperated sigh and asked him ," what had Draco done ?"
"He called Hermione that M-word ."
"What ! He did not !" Y/N shrieked .
"He did . He did call me a mudblood ." Hermione spoke up as Y/N's hand flew to her mouth .


"DRACO ! YOU CALLED HERMIONE A MUDBLOOD ? HOW DARE YOU ? IF YOU DO THAT AGAIN I WILL SET AN OCCAMY BEHIND YOU !" The went off on the Slytherin table as she gave the blonde boy a smug grin . Almost all the houses burst into fits of laughter as she saw Harry laughing much more than all the others . He gave her an appreciative nod and resumed his meal .

"Hey Y/-Malfoy . That was umm - brilliant . Sending your brother a Howler -"
"I know . By the way , you call me by my name ."
"So we are on a first name basis ?"
"Yeah . Only if you are alright with it ." She gave him her smile as he put his hand forward to shake .
She gladly accepted it as they walked back .


Y/N walked to the Great Hall as she saw Ginny sitting there .
"Good morning Weasley ."
"Good morning Malfoy ."
The meals in Hogwarts were a luxurious affair . The four tables spread across the hall with students sitting on the benches .
Y/N saw Draco sitting at the Slytherin table having his breakfast , chatting with his friends .
A part of her was happy that she wasn't in Slytherin and would not have to listen to all the crap . A part of her felt that it would've been better if she would have had Draco besides her , after all he was her brother .


During dinner , she was sitting besides a blonde boy . He had some sort of a camera around his neck .
"Is that a muggle camera ?" She asked him as his head turned towards her .
"Yeah it is . My mum gifted it to me . Don't Wizards have cameras ?"
"Yes we do . But they aren't quite compact as yours . Can I see that ?" She stretched her hand to take the camera
"Sure . But just be careful-" He became silent as he saw the ring with a black 'M' adorned on a green background .
"I am sorry but did I say anything that hurt you ?"
"No but " he motioned towards the ring on her finger .
"Well . Yeah I am a Malfoy but I don't hate Muggle-borns ."
"Surprising ." He said .
"Why ?"
"I saw your brother threatening some other people like me yesterday. "
"That is my brother and I am me ."
"Anyways . Where is your friend ? That redhead ?"
"I don't know . She hasn't come ."
She craned her neck to get a glimpse of Ginny when she saw her elder twin brothers .
'Where is Ginny ?'
'She isn't with you ?'
'No . I thought she would be with you .'
'Did you search for her ?'
'We exited the Duelling Club together but she told me she had to go to the toilet so she left.'
'I am gonna search for her .'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2023 ⏰

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