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I squeeze through the crowded hallways of new freshmen trying to find their classes. Micheal and Mia were walking hand in hand ahead of me. I watch as they talk and laugh. oh my god they look so happy together and it's honestly disgusting I can not watch this anymore.

"um i'm going to catch you guys later, I don't want to be late" - I say in a loud voice so they could hear me over the loud chatter going on around us.

"no don't go, we can walk together" - Mia says

"yeah come on, please" -  Micheal pleads

"no it's okay I want to get a good seat in class" - I say returning a weak smile

Before they can protest I turn the other direction and begin walking to class while putting my headphones in to listen to music. I take the long way so I could enjoy the music. When suddenly I feel a light tap on my shoulder. I looked up hoping to see Micheal but am surprised to see Harry one of my classmates from last year that was a transfer student from Manchester.

"Harry, hey how are you?" - I say pulling down my headphones.

"Hey Alexa, I am good and yourself?" - he returns a smile which I never noticed was actually so cute. He had dimples which is a weak spot for me. I quickly turn away so he doesn't see my cheeks heating up.

"I am just fine, but um what class are you heading too?"

"Physics with Mr. Brown" - he says. We are walking side by side now.

"oh well me too" I look down at my schedule just to double check.

We began to talk about events that had took place last year. His company really made me feel much better. Although I do wish it was Micheal that was walking me to class.


I spent the whole class talking to Harry which made my day better. I feel like I just made a new friend. He even invited me to join him in a game of chess during lunch. Which is way better than being ignored by the only person I want to acknowledge me.

Me and Harry walk out the class laughing at something he said until I hear Micheal calling out for me the second time today.

"Alexa, hey you ready for music class!" he says completely ignoring Harry who is just standing there.

"hey yeah I'm ready, but um this is Harry I don't know if you remember him"

His smile which was once smiley, slowly falls returning to his usual serious face.

"Um yeah hey harry" - he mumbles looking down at his shoes avoiding eye contact


well that's awkward

"Harry here also has music second period so he's walking with us if that's alright" - I say breaking the silence between the two.

"yeah that's just great"

We walked in silence all the way to the Music room.

After introductions, The teacher allowed us to have some free time. I watch as Micheal and Mia sit at the piano while he is trying to teach her to play. He taught me how to play and I always thought that it meant something special to have him take time out of his day to teach me and he offered which met he wanted to do it. But I guess not.

Harry comes and sits at a stool next to me

"you okay?" he says in a low voice leaning towards me.

I shrug causing him to get up and grab something beside him.

"here" he's handing me a guitar "have you ever played"

I look down at the huge guitar now on my lap

"no i don't know how to play"

"Well it's your lucky day because I happen to be a great guitar player and an even better teacher"

he walks closer to me trying to help me properly hold it up.

"okay what now" - I say excited to learn something new

he giggles "okay so first let's start with this" he places my fingers over the strings and began to explain the different notes.

As he's hovering over me trying to teach me, I can feel someone starring at me. I look up to see Micheal. We make direct eye contact, he does not look away so i decide to look away first from his intense stare.

The bell rings and I quickly throw on my backpack.

"I'll go to the chess club room to set the board up, i'll see you there" - harry says smiling at me before walking out

I nod and begin to walk to the cafeteria to see what they are serving so i can eat something at least. That is until I got pulled aside by Michael.

"hey can we talk at lunch" - he says holding me up against the wall he pulled me aside to.

"Uh nows not a good time I need to get lunch before meeting Harry"

"Meeting Harry? for what? I thought we were eating lunch together"

"Harry invited me to the chess club for a game and you know I am a very passionate and competitive player"

He gives a small laugh at my words

"but we are walking home together right because I want to talk to you, I feel like we haven't talked in ages"

"Well yeah I mean I don't want to be a third wheel to you and Mia"

"You're not so stop thinking that, I miss hanging out with you, let's do something this weekend"

"Just the two of us?"

"Just the two of us at the movies or something"

"Will Mia be okay with that?"

"For sure plus she's meeting her grandma about some royalty stuff I don't know"

"Okay then I'll see you after school, don't miss me too much" I smile at him

" Oh that's going to be hard" he says smiling which makes me smile even more.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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