Chapter 2 Diagon ally

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The day that professors Dumbledore and Snape told young Dahlia what she was, was a revolutionary day for her. As soon as both professors left, a huge smile spread over her face, she was a wizard! she could hardly contain her joy.

She always knew that she was different of course, but now she had confirmation that she was different from all those bugs she lived with. And better yet, there was a whole society full of people like her, and in a very short time she would be a part of it.

She would have much to do the following day, first she had to see what her parents had left her, after that, depending on what they had left her, she had to go shopping; clothes, books and school things. She had much to learn about this new society, especially about that war that the professor mentioned. A war doesn't just end because the leader disappeared, but since the professor hadn't answered her questions she would have to find the answers herself. She hated reading about history, because history was written by the victors and the losers were always the bad guys, it was prejudiced, but maybe she could obtain some facts that weren't influenced by the ideas of the author, she could always hope. And so Dahlia went to sleep with a smile on her face, dreaming about the time she would leave that place behind her.

The next morning, Dahlia woke up earlier than usual. She put on her best clothes, although that didn't mean much; they were all second-hand and not the best quality, but it was better than the rest that she had. She left a note to Mrs. Brown and took the first bus to London. As it was rather early in the morning she had no trouble locating someone to help her find the street that professor Dumbledore had said that the Leaky Cauldron was on, and before long she was entering the little old pub. Dahlia could hardly believe it, she was finally where she belonged. Without losing a second she approached the counter.

"Excuse me." Her voice was heard above the noise inside the pub and Tom, at least that was what professor Dumbledore told her the bartender was named, looked over to

"Good morning, how can I help?" Dahlia made her expression as innocent as possible and plastered a big smile on her face.

"Good morning Mr. Tom. Yesterday Professor Snape told me I was a wizard and gave a letter with all the things I have to buy in Diagon Alley. Can you open the entrance for me?"

This mask that Dahlia had perfected over the years was ideal for this situation. She admitted to herself that she was excited, but she would never normally behave so childish or that innocently.

It just wasn't her, but she knew how useful it was to convey the idea of an innocent child, and as long as she knew nothing about this new world that she was entering it was the best mask to use. "Of course miss," Tom told her with a smile, and led her to the back of the pub where they stopped in front of a brick wall,

"pay attention to the sequence." Dahlia nodded and saw Tom take out his wand and tap several bricks and in front of her eyes a doorway appeared that led to another street.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley." Dahlia tried to control her reaction, she really did, but it was difficult, the whole place screamed magic and Dahlia didn't even notice that she had left Tom in the back of the pub,she was transfixed. However, Dahlia remembered everything she had to do and quickly pulled herself together.

Fortunately as it was rather early there were few people in the alley, and those that were there didn't pay her any mind.

Following Dumbledore's directions it wasn't hard to find Gringotts, however she spent almost a whole minute near the building observing the strange creatures that were at the door. She had no idea what they were, but She suspected that they worked for the bank. As soon as she entered the bank her childish mask went away and one that was closer to her true self came to the surface.

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