chapter 1

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The courtroom was filled with silence as Vansh singhnia and Riddhima   stood before the judge. Both of them had sadness in their eyes, knowing that the end of their relationship was imminent. They had tried to work things out, but their differences had driven them apart, and now they were here to mutually seek a divorce.

The judge cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “Mr. Vansh and Ms. Riddhima, are both of you sure about taking this step?” he asked, looking at them solemnly.

Vansh and Riddhima exchanged a glance, and then nodded their heads. “Yes, Your Honor. We have made this decision after much contemplation and discussion,” said Vansh, his voice barely above a whisper.

Riddhima swallowed hard and spoke softly. “We have realized that we have grown apart, and it’s in the best interest of both of us to part ways now.”

The judge looked at them sympathetically and then proceeded with the legal formalities of the divorce. As he did so, Vansh and Riddhima watched him with a heavy heart, knowing that this was the end of their relationship.

When the judge was done, he looked up at them and said, “I hope both of you can move on from this and find peace and happiness in your lives.”

Vansh and Riddhima nodded, and then slowly turned to leave the courtroom. They walked out without exchanging another word, both lost in their own sorrow, as they silently mourned the end of their relationship.

Each step felt heavy as Vansh and Riddhima walked out of the courtroom. They stopped outside, in the bright sunshine, and looked at each other. Finally, Riddhima spoke, her voice shaking. “Vansh, I never thought it would come to this. I never thought we’d end up here.”

Vansh looked at her, his heart breaking at the sight of tears that were threatening to spill from her eyes. “I know, Riddhima. I know we both wanted different things, but I never thought it would mean the end of us.”

They stood in silence for a few moments, their thoughts consumed by the memories of their time together.

Finally, Vansh spoke up again, his voice soft. “Riddhima, I know this has been difficult for you. But please know that I will always care for you, and I want nothing but the best for you.”

Tears slid down Riddhima’s face as she responded. “I know, Vansh. I...I just wish things could have been different.”

Vansh put his hand on Riddhima’s shoulder and looked deep into her eyes. “I want you to promise me one thing, Riddhima. Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself every step of the way, from this point forward.”

Riddhima nodded solemnly, tears still streaming down her face. “I promise, Vansh. And I want you to promise me the same thing. That you’ll take care of yourself, too.”

Vansh smiled weakly and squeezed her shoulder. “I promise. And Riddhima, I want you to know that just because we’re not together anymore, doesn’t mean that I’ll stop caring for you. You’ll always have a special place in my heart.”

Riddhima’s lip trembled as she looked up at him, her heart aching with the love she still felt for him. “You’ll always have a special place in mine too, Vansh.”

With that, they hugged each other tightly, the last embrace before they would walk their separate paths. They pulled away and looked at each other one last time.

“Take care, Riddhima,” Vansh said, his voice barely above a whisper.

“You too, Vansh,” Riddhima replied, before turning and walking away, her footsteps echoing in the silence.

Vansh watched her go, a heavy feeling settling in his chest. But he knew that even though they were no longer together, they still cared for each other deeply. And he took comfort in knowing that, no matter what, they would always have a connection that could never truly be broken, both facing a future that was uncertain and different from what they had planned. But as they walked separately, they knew that they could still move forward and find happiness, even if it didn’t include each other.

After the divorce, Riddhima returned to her job at the fashion house. She tried to act like everything was normal, but deep down, she was still sad that her relationship with Vansh had ended. She threw herself into her work, staying late at the office most nights to keep her mind busy.

One night, as she was packing up her desk to head home, her colleague Rahul came over to her. He had always had a crush on Riddhima, though he had never acted on it before.

“Hey, Riddhima,” Rahul said, flashing her a smile. “Do you wanna grab a coffee sometime?”

Riddhima was taken aback. She had never thought of Rahul in that way, but with Vansh out of the picture, she was feeling lonely and vulnerable. Without thinking it through, she half-heartedly agreed to Rahul’s invitation.

Over the next few weeks, Rahul relentlessly pursued Riddhima, complimenting her work and bringing her little gifts. Riddhima found herself enjoying the attention, but she knew deep down that it wasn’t a real connection – she was just a rebound for Rahul.

As they began to go on more and more dates, Riddhima realized that she didn’t want to lead Rahul on.

As time passed, however, Riddhima began to feel increasingly uncomfortable with the relationship. She realized that she wasn’t ready to commit to someone new, and that she was simply using Sid as a distraction from her pain and loneliness. So, one day, she mustered the courage to end things with him.

One night, as they were sitting in a restaurant, she summoned up the courage to tell him the truth.

“Rahul, I’m sorry, but I can’t date you,” Riddhima said, looking him in the eye. “I appreciate all the nice things you’ve done for me, but I’m just not ready for a relationship right now.”

Rahul’s smile faded. “Is this because of Vansh?” he asked.

Riddhima nodded, feeling a lump form in her throat. “Yes, it is. I just need time to heal from everything that’s happened.”

Rahul nodded sympathetically. “I understand,” he said. “I’ll back off for now, but if you ever need a friend, you know where to find me.”

Riddhima felt grateful for Rahul’s understanding, but she knew that she needed to focus on healing herself before she could let anyone else into her life. As she left the restaurant and headed home, she made a promise to herself that she would work hard to overcome the pain of her failed marriage and come out stronger on the other side.

Rahul couldn’t stop thinking about Riddhima. He knew she had been through a tough time with her failed relationship with Vansh and he worried that she may not cope. Concerned, he decided to approach her parents, whom he knew never approved of her relationship with Vansh.

One day, when he knew Riddhima’s parents would be alone, he visited them. He explained how worried he was about Riddhima and her well-being, telling them he only wanted to help her in any way he could.

“I know you never approved of her relationship with Vansh, but I think she really needs someone right now,” Rahul said.

Riddhima’s parents listened to Rahul, and to his surprise, they actually agreed with him. They had always been wary of Vansh and had seen how much their daughter had suffered because of him. They had hoped she would eventually move on, but they had also seen how deeply she had loved him and they never wanted to see her hurt like that again.

Despite her break-up with Sid, Riddhima’s parents, started pressuring her to get married again. They set her up with Rahul, a family friend who had been interested in her for a long time. Although Riddhima wasn’t particularly keen on the idea of getting married again so soon, she agreed to meet Rahul.

When she did, she found that he was a kind and gentle person who understood her situation and was willing to take things slowly. He didn’t push her into anything, but let her make her own decision. And so, after much contemplation, Riddhima decided to take the leap and marry Rahul.

She knew it wasn’t going to be easy, that it would take time to heal from the past and adjust to a new life. But she also knew that this was something she needed to do to finally put the past behind her and move on with her life.

The producer’s wife was relentless in her pursuit of Vansh. She saw him as a successful and attractive man who she could have by her side. She made various attempts to approach him, sending him gifts and inviting him to parties, but Vansh always declined.

Even though Vansh had no interest in dating anyone, it was Riddhima who he always thought of. He missed her dearly and couldn’t bring himself to move on. He had tried to distract himself with work, but nothing seemed to fill the void that Riddhima had left in his life.

One day, the producer’s wife showed up at Vansh’s office uninvited. She had brought him lunch and wanted to discuss some business matters with him. Vansh was polite but distant, and the producer’s wife could sense that he was not interested.

Producer’s wife: “Vansh, I brought you lunch today. I thought it would be nice to catch up outside of work.”

Vansh: “That’s very kind of you, but I’m really busy today.”

Producer’s wife: “Come on, Vansh. You can take a break for just a few minutes. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

Vansh: “I appreciate the gesture, but I’m not interested.”

Producer’s wife: “Are you sure? You’re such a handsome and successful man. You deserve someone who appreciates you.”

As they sat down to lunch, the producer’s wife started to flirt with Vansh. She complimented him on his looks and his work, and even touched his hand gently. Vansh pulled away and told her that he wasn’t interested.

Vansh: “I already had that someone, and I lost her. I don’t need anyone else.”

Producer’s wife: “Oh, you mean Riddhima? I heard that things didn’t work out between you two.”

Vansh: “And it’s none of your business.”

Producer’s wife: “I just thought that maybe you were ready to move on. I mean, it’s been a while since you two were together.”

Vansh: “I will never move on from her. She was the only person I ever loved, and I still do. I don’t need anyone else in my life, especially not someone who doesn’t understand what I truly want.”

Riddhima is in restaurant with Rahul.she is very much tensed what is going to be her life.she looking at the couple at the bar.she smiles and remember her past.


Riddhima and her friends were at their local pub, enjoying an evening of drinks and good conversation. As they sat at the bar, laughing and chatting amongst themselves, they noticed a group of guys walk in.

One of the guys caught Riddhima’s eye, and she couldn’t help but feel drawn to him. He was tall, dark and handsome, with an air of confidence about him that was hard to ignore.

As fate would have it, the guy in question, Vansh, knew one of Riddhima’s friends, and he soon found himself chatting with the group.

At first, Riddhima was content to sit back and watch the conversation unfold. But the more she listened to Vansh speak, the more intrigued she became.

Vansh was well-spoken and charming, with a dry wit that Riddhima found herself drawn to. Before she knew it, the two of them were engaged in lively debate, their voices rising above the din of the pub.

As the night wore on, Riddhima found herself more and more attracted to Vansh. His intelligence and charisma were impossible to ignore, and she found herself hanging on his every word.

Eventually, the guy’s night out came to an end, and Vansh and his friends said their goodbyes. But Riddhima couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just met someone special.

As they left the pub that night, Riddhima and her friends talked excitedly about their chance encounter. They couldn’t wait to see Vansh again and find out what other surprises he had in store for them.

Riddhima had been rushing out of the pub when she realized she had left her phone on the table where she had been chatting with Vansh. She quickly turned back and headed towards the entrance.

She was surprised to find the once lively pub to be deserted. Her friends also leaving her alone here.She walked up to the table and retrieved her phone, glancing around to see if anyone was still there.

That was when she heard the sound of footsteps behind her. She turned to see Vansh walking in wearing a slightly annoyed expression on his face.

Riddhima smiled sheepishly, “I forgot my phone. I guess I was in a rush.”

Vansh nodded, his expression softening. “I forgot something too. My favorite watch.”

Riddhima raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Your favorite watch? That must be important.”

Vansh shrugged. “I never leave home without it. I always feel like something’s missing when I’m not wearing it.”

Riddhima chuckled, “I totally understand. I feel the same way about my phone.”

Vansh smiled. “Well, I’m glad we both got what we came back for. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s fate that we ran into each other twice in one night.”

Riddhima’s heart skipped a beat. She had been hoping for another chance to talk to Vansh, and here he was, standing right in front of her.

She smiled, “I guess so. Maybe you’re right. Maybe we were meant to meet.”

The two of them stood there for a moment, looking into each other’s eyes. It was clear that there was a spark between them, and they both knew that this was just the beginning of something special.

As they walked out of the pub together, Vansh offered to walk Riddhima home.

Riddhima’s heart fluttered as they walked side by side, talking and laughing as they made their way through the city streets. It was like they had known each other for years, and yet they had only just met that night.

Riddhima and Vansh continued walking together, enjoying each other’s company and talking about their lives. Riddhima shared that she was born and raised in the United States, but her parents had decided to move back to India a few years ago.

“It was a huge change for me,” Riddhima said with a smile. “I always knew I was Indian, but growing up in the US, it felt like a far-off dreamland. Moving back here was like coming home, but everything was new and different at the same time.”

Vansh nodded, understanding what she meant. “I’ve never left India,” he said. “But I’ve traveled all over the country, and I know there are so many different cultures and traditions within our borders. It’s amazing how much you can discover without ever leaving.”

Riddhima agreed, and they continued talking about the different aspects of Indian culture that Riddhima was discovering with each passing day. They talked about the food, the music, the festivals – everything that made India such a vibrant place to be.

As they walked, Vansh suddenly grew quiet. Riddhima could sense that there was something on his mind, and she waited patiently for him to speak.

Finally, Vansh said quietly, “My parents died a few years ago.”

Riddhima felt her heart break for him. Losing a parent was one of the hardest things anyone could go through, and she knew that Vansh had probably carried that pain with him for a long time.

“I’m so sorry, Vansh,” she said, reaching out to take his hand. “That must have been so difficult for you.”

Vansh gave her a small smile, grateful for her sympathy. “It was hard,” he admitted. “But I’ve learned to live with it.”

Riddhima nodded, feeling a newfound respect and admiration for him. She could see now that he was someone who had been through a lot in life, but had come out the other side stronger and wiser for it.

As they continued walking, Riddhima knew that she was growing closer to Vansh with each passing moment. They had shared their hopes, their fears, and their joys, and she felt that they had begun to build a connection that would last a lifetime.

As they walked, Vansh pointed out his house that was nearby. Riddhima looked at it with interest, but then looked back at Vansh with a wistful expression.

“I don’t want this night to end,” she said.

Vansh nodded understandingly. He too felt a strong connection growing between them and didn’t want the night to end either. He took a deep breath before asking her indirectly, “Why don’t you stay the night?”

Riddhima looked at him, surprised. Though she was a modern and independent woman, she wasn’t sure if she was ready for this kind of commitment yet. But Vansh’s eyes were full of warmth and respect, and she felt herself slowly warming up to the idea.

After a moment of contemplation, she said softly, “I would like that.”

Vansh smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He led her towards his house, and as they entered, Riddhima felt a sense of excitement and trepidation creeping up inside her.

They talked late into the night, sharing more about their hopes, dreams, and experiences. They laughed, they joked, and eventually, they found themselves inching closer and closer together.

Vansh knew he wanted to be with Riddhima, but he also respected her independence and didn’t want to force anything upon her. So, he leaned in slowly, giving her time to back away if she wanted to.

Vansh and Riddhima walked into Vansh’s small home, which though was small, was very tastefully and elegantly decorated. The walls were painted a soft cream color and adorned with beautiful paintings and murals. The furniture comprised of a plush sofa, an armchair set and a coffee table made of dark wood.

Riddhima looked around admiringly as Vansh went to the fridge to grab two cans of beer. He handed one to Riddhima and opened the other for himself. They made their way to the sofa and sat down, the cool aluminum can feeling refreshing in their hands.

Vansh leaned back and stretched his limbs, sighing contentedly, “This is what I really needed. Just a few drinks and some great company.”

Riddhima smiled at him, “I’m glad I could be that for you. Your house is really lovely, Vansh. You have excellent taste.”

Vansh chuckled, “Thanks..”

Both of them took sips from their cans and chatted about various subjects, ranging from their work to their hobbies to their ambitions. They laughed and shared stories, getting to know each other better.

But instead, Riddhima leaned in towards him too, and their lips met in a soft kiss. It was gentle and passionate at the same time, and both of them felt a spark ignite inside them.

Without saying another word, they continued to kiss, losing themselves in the moment. And as they fell asleep next to each other, they both felt a sense of contentment and happiness, knowing that they had found someone special in each other.

Precap:past continuoue..

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