Breaking Point

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After so long, I started tearing up, I couldn't stand it, I couldn't stand his name being brought up, I couldn't stand seeing it, I wanted nothing, Absolutely nothing, to do with him, with his life, with his brother. I just couldn't stand it. Especially now, Why now? What did He possibly want from Me? Why after so long. So many questions are going through my brain and none getting possible answers. Not now, Now? After so long?

I set the box back down not even bothering to look further, Wow, Curiosity does kill the fucking cat, I should have thrown the box away. I wiped my tears and got back into my comforting bed, I kept on tossing and turning so many things going through my mind at once, Eventually I fell asleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing non-stop, In my half asleep have awake state I picked up thinking it was Vic calling me at the earliest in the morning he could.

"Vic, I thought told you to stop calling me at this time. Especially on Sunday!" I yelled

"Anna." I head a voice on the other line, Definitely not my bestfriend Vic. But the voice sounded familiar..

"Who is this?" I asked with confusion in my voice


I dropped the phone in shock, I blocked him? I blocked him and his brother? How did he get my number?

"H-How did you.. How did you get my number.." I said furrowing my eyebrows in disbelief and shock.

"Listen Anna I'm giving you two options either you talk to me willingly, or I make you talk to me, and trust me I have my ways." He was surely serious, he wasn't surely , he was literally seriously. He was dead serious and I did not like that, What does he mean "Or I make you talk to me" I wasn't gonna let him get to me, I rather put up a fight with the man I hated then give in so easily.

"Are you threatening me?.. You wont do jackshit, Tom... Admit it you dont even know where I live." I was scared, Sure as shit I was scared. But would I give in so easily and let him give me a thousand excuses for something un-excusable? No. Fuck No. After I said that I hanged up right in his face and went back to sleep.


The calls didn't stop, I didn't stop worrying for my safety, And for some reason I felt watched everywhere I went. I tried not paying attention to the watching sensation I had everytime I went out to do basic things such as work, grocery shopping, and taking a walk.

A week had passed and soon enough Vic would be here spending time with me, My bestfriend that I havent seen in literally forever. That situation atleast gave me a little bit of hope.

I was in the kitchen making breakfast for myself since I had to get called into work today, I very much needed the money but at the same time it was absolutely exhausted doing the same routine most days, Get up, Brush my teeth, Tame down my hair, get clothed, Make breakfast, And head into work, Repeat. I finished making my watered down tomato soup, I needed the energy today, or atleast as much as I could get from it. After finishing up my soup I got up and put the Bowl in the dishwasher, grabbed my jacket, lunch and computer, and headed out. It was cold out, No, It was freezing. It was winter and snow was everywhere, usually I would walk but It was too cold, I didn't wanna catch a cold and then not be able to go to work. So I took a cab with the little money I had.


As soon as I got to my work building I felt warmer, The warmness of the building was so welcoming and relaxing I almost forgot my surroundings for a second, I got Strange stares from my co-workers for a second and then they went all back to work once they saw James walk in, I was admiring him. We were still dating and frequently talking and texting, we both just didnt have enough time to actually hang out. He started walking towards me, I smiled warmly before opening my mouth and saying "Hello James, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine, Anna. May I talk to you in my office? it's important." I observed his body language, He seemed serious this time and it scared me, he was mostly loose around me and always cracking jokes, sometimes even at our work place.

I simply nodded, stood up and walked behind him towards his office. As soon as we got in there he closed the door behind me and sat down with me.

"Anna.. I dont think we can work out... We are both really different.. We barely even hang out anymore, we dont have any time to talk or interact, we both are very busy with personal things and it shows. I'm sorry"

I started tearing up, I couldn't do this right now. First Tom then James, It was all too much, I needed to be alone.

I got up and walked out the door, making sure to slam it hard behind me. I knew Blair would be giggling to herself, enjoying every moment of me breaking down and crying. But I just didnt care enough to look at her, I just grabbed my stuff and headed out. Leaving a speechless, very worried Oliver behind me.

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