Chapter 1:New Friend

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It was a rainy night as Sally acron, leader of the freedom fighters ran through the woods crying. She was heart broken after hearing her friends talk about replacing her. Even her boyfriend Sonic talked about it as well.

Sally:(crying) Why do they do this? I put my life on the line for them and this is how they repay me.

She keeps running and soon stops at a tree stump and sits down and keeps crying as the rain keeps pouring down.

A small noise could be heard as a set of footfalls approuches her, she didn't pay attention as the rain kept coming down and her crying drowning it out. She then felt something being draped over her shoulders.

She looked up and saw it was robotnik? No he wasn't, he was slightly younger, probably late twenties and he was a lot fitter than the doctor. He had an aura of kindness and concern that radiated of him.

???:You okay miss?

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???:You okay miss?

He was heavily soaked by the rain and he tries his best to keep the rain from falling on her. His mustache was slightly drooping yet his red eyes showed concern.

Sally looks at him and still crying, she gets up and hugs him softly. He was shocked that she would hug him, but hugged her back. He leads her to his cottage in the middle of the woods and let's her sit in a chair while he makes some warm beverages.

She sits by the fire to keep warm. She noticed that it was a jacket that was draped over her shoulders. It was a red leather jacket with golden buttons and white trimming, she felt the warmth it provided her.

He walk in carrying a tray of coffee and places it on the table. He offers her a cup and takes his for himself.

???:I know it isn't much, but it will give you some warmth.

She takes the drink and sips some of it. It tasted so nice and she relaxed a little.

Sally:Thank you.

She looks around and sees it was a pretty rustic cabin. Old sofas and an old TV that was still working, was in the corner. The fire place was lit with a warm fire. The light was provided by an antler chandelier above them. It felt comfortable for her, welcoming even.

???:Your welcome miss

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???:Your welcome miss. Why were you out in the rain?

Sally: I ran away from my friends. They wanted to replace me after a mission failed. I tried my best to be there for them, yet they do this to me. I was the leader of the freedom fighters. But I dont know anymore. Ever since the mission they ignored me apart from my nephew Tails.

The man looks at her in concern. He gently rubs her shoulder as a way of comforting her. She felt this and smiled a bit.

???:Then ignore them. If they are willing to do that after everything you've done, why go back?

Sally nodded and drank her coffee as the gentle crackling of the fire is heard. The man also relaxes a bit and drinks his coffee.

Sally:What is your name? I didn't get it.

Ivo:My name is Ivo, Ivo robotnik. real original I know. But that's the name I was given by my creator.

Sally nods and leans back in the sofa. Then a question comes to mind. She looks at him and begins to speak.

Sally:If you are a clone, then why aren't you attacking me?
I thought clones shared personalities.

Ivo looks at her for a few moment, his face had contorted into one of thought. After a minute he speaks to her.

Ivo:I am a failed experiment, he wanted to create a more youthful body, yet I grew my own consciousness, I don't share his ideals or feelings. Mostly his intelligence and appearance, nothing more. So I escaped and have been in hiding ever since.

Sally nods and is satisfied with the answer, so she sits down and rest for a moment. She yawns and Ivo looks at her and simply said.

Ivo:You tired miss?

Sally:You can call me Sally, and yes I am.

He gets up and offers his hand to her. She takes it and he leads her to a bedroom. It was a simple room yet it seems comfortable. It was a large bed, one that could fit him.

She looks at him and smiles at him

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She looks at him and smiles at him. She wasn't expecting him to give her his room.

Sally:Is it really okay if I sleep here? I know it's weird to ask. But this is your room, are you sure?

He nods and turns around to head back to the living room. Sally then lays down on the bed and covers herself with the blanket. She falls asleep while the rain fell against the window.

Ivo was busy cleaning the cups when he noticed the communication device on the table, it was Sally's and he could see some messages on it. He shook his head and turned it off for her and puts it in the cupboard for safe keeping.

He sits down on the single chair and starts reading a book to pass the time. It was a peaceful night now, Sally was now fully asleep.

Meanwhile at the freedom fighter HQ

Tails was scared and confused. Where was Aunt Sally, he wanted to be with her, he was very scared right now. Even if he was a super genius, he was still 8 years old.

Tails watched as Bunnie and Rotor left, he ran out of the door and into the woods looking for his aunt. He kept running, he was getting wet as he ran through the trees. He was crying and sniffling as he soon arrived at the clearing, he was so cold now. He passed out on the ground, the rain soaking his fur.

A large figure approuched his unconscious form. The figure was Ivo, he picked up the poor fox and carries him back to his cabin. Once there, He dried him off and placed him next to Sally to rest aswell.

He looked out toward the rain and sighed. They didn't deserve this treatment from their friends. He only hopes she would be alright now since her nephew was with her.

(ON HOLD) Sally's betrayel and new love. Where stories live. Discover now