Chapter 2:New Day

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It was now morning and ivo was busy cooking breakfast for the three of them. He was making pancakes, bacon and eggs. With orange juice for Tails and coffee for him and Sally. As he was cooking he heard Sally and tails talking. He smiled as they do.

Sally was at first shocked and confused, but she was overjoyed at her nephew's presence. Tails was just happy his aunt figure was alright, he hasn't met Ivo yet but thanks to Sally's explanation of Ivo's situation, he understands that he isn't evil, just different.

As he plated the food, he watched as both Sally and Tails exit the bedroom and approuched the table. Tails held Sally's hand as they came closer. He just sat down and waited for them.

Ivo:Good morning.

Sally:Good morning ivo, I hope you slept well. Tails was so happy to be with me.

Ivo nods and drinks his coffee while reading the newspaper. He was relaxed as he does so. Tails sat next to Sally as they ate the breakfast he made. As they ate, The news played on the tv

News ancor:Good morning mobius today is going to be a wonderful day of excellent weather and festivals. Onto other news the freedom fighters have stopped another attack of robotnik's forces but the question is where is Sally acorn? We don't know but I hope she is alright.

Sally:'oh I'm more than alright'

she thought to herself as she drank her coffee. She was at peace now and really hoped it would stay like this. Ivo finished his breakfast and went to wash the dishes, as he does so, tails comes over.

Tails:Can I help you Mr Ivo?

Ivo looks at the child and thinks for a moment, he smiles and nods. Tails helps by drying off the clean plates and puts them away.

Ivo:Thank you my dear boy. Go and play with your aunt, I'll take care of the rest.

Tails nodded and ivo simply smiled as he kept cleaning. He wasn't wearing his jacket but a simple t-shirt. He put all the dishes away and sat on the sofa. He was drawing something in a little book he had. It was a design for metal sonic.

He was planning on building him to help around the cabin

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He was planning on building him to help around the cabin. He also made it so he can learn things on his own, experience things that could make him happy. As he was doing this, Sally came and sat next to him

Sally:What are you working on?

Ivo:I'm designing a more passive version of metal sonic. He'll be able to learn things better, to think for himself. I hope he'll be a good companion for Tails. Is it alright with you if I do build him?

Sally nods and smiles, she was happy that ivo took her and tails into consideration before building him.

Sally:I think it's a good idea. He'll be able to babysit tails if you and I head out to the village for groceries and such.

Ivo nodded as he finished up his design and sat back into the sofa and Sally did the same. Tails soon join them as ivo turned on the TV once more to watch a film with them.


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