Ticci Toby x Reader

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You were sitting in your room reading one of your favorite books, you've been reading for hours and you can't seem to stop until you hear a knock on the door.
You go and open the door and you see Toby standing in front of you, "Hey y/n, sorry if I interrupted your reading.. but I was wondering, do you wanna come with me on a picknick?" Toby said shyly. "Yeah sure that sounds pretty fun" you said back to him. Toby smiles and says "Thank you, I'll bring some waffles if you want any" Toby said happily.

You're still in your pjs so you pick out your favorite outfit. You go to the fridge and prepare some Nutella and strawberry sandwiches for the two of you. While making them he comes up behind you. "Are you ready, oooo those look good!!" Toby said excited for the picknick. "Yeah, let me grab some more Nutella and we'll head out". You said looking for the jar. You found the Nutella and you put it in your backpack.

You but on a pair of brown converse and you call him down to go to the picknick. He comes down and he's wearing the exact same shoes! "Oh hey we're matching!!" He said sounding excited, "Ohhh yeah!! That's cool" you said happily. You walked out of the door and he follows you. Not too far away there's an abandoned playground he likes to go to when he's bored.

"We should go to the playground" you suggested, "yeah that would be cool" Toby said. You continue walking with him. You guys finally get there and you climb up the rusty play equipment to find a good spot. You set down a small thin picknick blanket and you set the food out for the two or you. He eats some of his waffles and you eat your Nutella sandwich.

"Hey y/n, you got some chocolate on your lip, let me get it for you" before you can say anything he puts his thumb on your lip and wipes off the chocolate. You feel super flustered and it's quite visible. You continue eating your sandwich and he asks for a bite and you let him have some.

You and him play games on your ds and sit together for about 20 minutes until both of you decide to pack up and go home. When walking he takes you down a different path, "Toby, where are we going?" You said curiously, "You'll see" he said. You start wondering what's going to happen, or is he showing you a new spot.

You go into a darker tree surrounded area with a abandoned looking bench, he sits down and grabs your hand to make you sit with him. He turns to you and he looks anxious "There's been something I've been wanting to tell you for a while.. and I wanted to take you to a special place to tell you" he says kind of quietly. "What is it Toby?" You ask knowing what's about to happen. "Y/n.. will you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?" He asks you. "Yes, yes of course!" He hugs you and gives you a kiss on the cheek

Creepypasta x Reader!! (Non smut Version)Where stories live. Discover now