Hospital Visit

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Kaden's pov:

    I was sitting in my room listening to a documentary on medieval times when I heard a loud bang down stairs. "What the fuck!!!" I heard my mom yell at either one of my siblings or my dad... Or both. "What happened mum!" I called to her as I could gradually hear her walking up the stairs of our home most likely going to her and my dad's room to pout. I got up and opened the door just a crack to see if my mum was in her room yet, she was quite advertently so. 'just great... mums mad, da is most likely mad, and my siblings are probably living in terror.

    I opened my door further and slipped out. I did not and mean I did not want her to see me leaving my room. I walked down the stairs hurriedly and got to the bottom within seconds. I looked around at the torn apart living room and dining area in our house. "Kaden?" I heard my younger sister Athena whispering to me. "Yes angel? You okay are you hurt? Is everything alright" I started frantically saying as I looked over her to make sure she was not injured. "I'm fine but I don't think brother is.... Mom threw something at him and he has just been laying on the floor since..." Athena whimpered quietly to me....

    "Can you perhaps show me where bubba is?" I questioned her and she took my hand to show me. "He's over here bubba" She said as she pointed to where my younger brother now lay motionless and from what I could tell not breathing.

    Now you are probably wondering why I am not freaking out in this situation. Truth is I'm used to it. This wouldn't be the first time one of my siblings got hospitalized or killed by my mum. Again questions. She's not in jail because none of us would particularly know what to do. I mean I would but I have been going on and off with living on my own. As you can currently tell I am living with my parents as my mum is in one of her more prone to drink states and when that happens my dad can't do things on his own. Hopefully though I will be able to officially move out in a couple of months.

    "I'm going to take my brother to the hospital okay dad?" I started saying and soon noticed all emotions had been drained out of my voice. 'why on this great and beautiful earth did my shitty ass voice decide it wants to go to go fucking robo mode on me!' "okay son. Be safe and also is your sister okay after the whole incident?" My dad was clearly concerned about Athena. "Just a bit shaken but otherwise fine!" I said and walked over to my brother's motionless body and gently picked him up trying to feel if he had any pulse left. Thankfully he did but this still meant at least a two week hospitalization.

    I walked through the ruins of my house at the current moment and sighed deeply. I opened the door and grabbed my car keys so that I could drive to the hospital. 'owen I swear if you die on me I am officially going to drag you out of heaven and keep you down here until I think your time on earth is done you little fucking ass bitch.'

    As I started the engine and started down the familiar street I noticed that Owen jerked his hand back in his unconscious state. I looked at him and sighed. When we finally got to the Lunardale hospital I sighed. 'here we are again the same fucking place I have to go to everytime I come back home. I walked inside carrying Owen up to the check in desk and looked at the lady. "Kaden Claar? What is it this time?" she said looking up from her paper work and gasping when she saw the state my brother was in....

    "Someone get a fucking paramedic out here before I have to go back there and drag one out!" The check-in lady started yelling. I could tell by the pitch and tone of her voice that she was severely concerned. Though even though she was concerned for Owen she was forgetting one simple fact. We were all werewolves and her yelling was blowing out the eardrums of everyone in the waiting room.

    Soon enough a paramedic came running out of the back and ran up to me taking Owen out of my arms and running off into the back again. 'Kaden darling can you perhaps tell me what the fuck happened to your younger brother right now before I tear out at least six people's throats right here and right now." Said sia the check in lady aggressively. "..." I was terrified. Sia had not once gone this feral over one of my siblings. "S-sia a-a-ar-are y-y-yo-y-you o-o-ok-okay?" I stuttered as I was at a loss for words.

    "Bitch do I look fucking okay. Hmm? No. Why? Because your younger brother who has practically become my younger brother is now in the back hopefully getting an operation done to hopefully save his fucking life and if not you are going to have one less sibling and probably one less parent at this motherfucking rate." Sia started yelling at me like I was the one responsible for the current state of my younger brother. "Bitch this is not my motherfucking fault and I am sure as hell not going to be told that by the likes of you." I said glaring at sia with the 'you messed with the wrong bitch' expression on my face...

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