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Kaden's Pov:

     I smile as I see Arlo's mom holding the plate and all of the sudden notice that I am quite hungry. I smile a bit sadly remembering when my mom used to do this kind of thing for me and my siblings before the incident happened and everything changed. Suddenly I feel a strong arm wrap around my shoulders and look up to see Arlo hugging me with one arm comforting me because my face has darkened. 

    "I brought food for everyone if anyone wants some..." Said Mrs.Wolfe quietly set the plate down and sat next to her husband Mr.Wolfe. "Thank you ma'am it's greatly appreciated..." I said quietly reaching a hand out and taking a cluster of grapes from one side of the plate. "Thank you ma." Arlo started saying as he reached out his hand and grabbed half a peach. I looked around and quietly waited for the questions to start pouring out upon me. The only voice I heard though was the small, silky voice of Mrs.Wolfe. 

    "Darling... Can you tell me what happened this time please?" She said her smooth voice almost sounded pleading with me if not desperate. "O-okay I'll tell you guys what happened...So as you guys know I am currently staying at my mom and dad's house since my mother isn't in the best state. Well earlier today mom decided it would be a good idea to drink at nine am after having a really bad hangover from the night before..." I manage to say all of this before my voice breaks and tears start to form in my eyes. I sniffle and start to talk again. "After she did that she and my father started yelling at each other and it eventually got physical... My younger brother Owen happened to be standing by when it got physical and accidentally got dragged into it. This resulted in a beer bottle getting thrown at him and him flying across our living room into our big glass coffee table. My mother then screamed fuck you at my father and went upstairs. That's when I finally came out of my room to see what was going on and discovered that my brother was terribly injured and had to be taken to the hospital immediately. When we finally got there the receptionist lady started yelling at me as if the whole thing was my fault when it wasn't..." I say my voice finally cracking again and tears start to fall slowly down my cheeks making me feel weak. "That's around when the doctor came out and told me my brother has to go ICU for a month because of that damn bitch..." I said finally breaking down into tears and snuggling close to Arlo to hide my face. He gently accepts my snuggles and wraps his other arm around me comfortingly. I feel Mrs.Wolfe's soft gaze on me and then hear her small voice. "Kaden... Darling do you want us to take your father and siblings in so that they don't have to live with your mother anymore?"

     I whimper quietly and bring my head out of Arlo's shoulder so that I can look at her. "T-that would be a-ppreciated..." I say nodding my head a bit Incase she didn't understand what I said. Mrs.Wolfe smiles a bit and nods her head in response signaling something to Me.Wolfe. He nods and walks out of the room to do whatever was asked of him. Mrs.Wolfe gets up as well and leaves me and Arlo alone to talk. 

    "So uh-" Arlo starts trying to figure out what to say and not make it awkward. "What do you want to say Arlo... There's no need for you to act like this around me." I say leaning my head against his shoulder and sniffling so that I can somewhat breathe. He nods and hugs me a bit tighter before sighing and trying to say what he wants to say. "Are you going to be staying here with your dad and siblings or are you going to be going back to your house..." He said his voice quiet and unsure. "Truthfully I am going to be staying with them until they recover a bit from mom's outburst and then go back to my house." I said feeling bad because I knew his face had fell when I said that. "But why not stay here... I mean your safe your family is here and we can hang out anytime we want too..." He said. 

   By now he is just trying to convince me to stay here because truth be known he gets lonely without someone his age around. "Arlo... I have a house. True I could sell it but I need to be independent and able to take care.of myself for the future." I could feel his shoulder slump when I said that and sigh a bit myself. "Look here's a deal. I visit my siblings once every month and I'll stay with you for two days out of that week that I spend with my dad and siblings. Does it that sound good?" I say trying to convince him that he will still see me even if it is not constantly. I hear him sigh again and then he takes a breath to speak. 

     "It sounds good other than I would have loved to see you every day... But I do get where your coming from with the need to be independent thing because it makes sense." He says very quietly as if trying to convince himself that it's true that he will see me every month and not just sometimes. "But I will get to hang out with you constantly for the two days right." He says his voice becoming hopeful. I smirk a bit because of how happy he sounds. "Of course you dork. You get to hang out with me constantly for two days straight not counting that I will be hanging out with you outside of the month that I spend with my family here so you will get to see me as often as we usually do." I say a big smile forming on my face because of how much of a dork he is. He suddenly gets up and looks at me with a mischievous grin on his face. "You wanna play Minecraft?" He says excitedly all mischief fading from his face and turning into excitement. "Sure you dork. 

    "As long as we can build a house together this time and share resources instead of PvP." I say looking at him with my head slightly tilted and a serious look on my face. I watch as he shivers a bit but straightens up and nods. "Sure we can do that if that's what you want to do." He says all smiles now and doing a little happy dance. I smile and get up as well following him to their gaming room so that we could play. Once we get there he immediately runs over to the Xbox PC and connects it to the TV so that we can play Minecraft. Once he does everything I walk over and pick a controller while he finishes up with everything. I take a seat in one of the gaming chairs and wait for him as he quickly grabs his controller and sits down. "Kay. We have everything ready and if we need any snacks or anything we can just ask the maids to bring it to us okay?" He says looking over at me for reassurance.

    I nod and he smiles as he turns back to the screen and opens Minecraft for us signing himself in and then adding me to the game so that the screen splits in half. Once we are fully ready we start to play the game. After what seemed like hours we finally finished our houses and collecting supplies. He turned off the TV and Xbox and we both started to walk out before deciding to check the time. Once we get out of the room we both finally decided to look at our phone's and look at each other in shock. It was almost midnight and no one had bothered to tell us. "Holy fuck... It's almost midnight. How long were we playing for?" I say turning to him as I see the same look that must be on my face. 

    "I think maybe seven to eight hours... It was pretty early when you got here so it would make sense..." He says trying to calculate everything in his head as we continue to walk towards his room so that we can get ready to go to bed. Once we get to his room and close the door we both start to laugh. "How the fuck did we manage to stay up this late playing Minecraft?" I ask Arlo once I can breathe again from laughing. He tries to gain his composure back and finally manages to do it. "I have no idea but it's funny. By the way did you bring any extra clothes or did you just bring yourself?" He asks looking at me curiously as I nervously shift under his gaze. "I uh-did not bring any clothes with me just myself because I had to get out of the house in such a hurry I didn't think to grab any extra clothes since I would be staying somewhere other than home...hehehe..." I say as I laugh nervously since I wasn't quite sure what he was going to say. "Well lucky for you I have some clothes that might fit you since my clothes would be way to big on you and I don't think you want your pants falling down soo." He says with a slight giggle in his voice. He opens his closet and starts to look for a pair of clothes that I could wear that wouldn't be giant sized on me. 

   After what felt like forever but was really only two or three minutes he pulls out a pair of gym shorts and a light cotton t-shirt. I smile and walk over to him gently taking the clothes out of his hands and walking towards the bathroom to change. Once I walk in and close the door I set the clothes down on the sink neatly folded and turn on the shower. Once I feel the waters warm enough I take off my clothes and step into the shower letting the water fall down my body in small streams as I get my hair wet to wash it. Once I feel my hair is soaked enough I grab Arlo's shampoo and put some on my hand lathering my hair with it before rinsing it out and getting a bit of his conditioner on my hand and running that through my hair. As soon as I finish putting the conditioner in my hair I grab the body wash and start to wash myself to help relieve the stress from this long day. 

    Once I finish I step back into the stream of water and rinse off my hair and body before turning off the water and stepping out grabbing a towel and wrapping it around muscle to dry off. Once I'm done I get changed and walk out into Arlo's room again in the clothes that he had given me earlier. I smile when I see him sitting on his bed reading a book that I had suggested he read a couple months ago. I walk over and sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder reading the page that he was on. "Oh hi Kaden. You finally got out of your shower." He says rolling his eyes as if I had been in the shower forever when in reality I had only been in there for about ten minutes tops.

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