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Arlo's Pov:

    "Oh thank goodness.. I thought you thought-" I start to say but get cut off by Kaden. "Look I would never believe that you meant it as a bad thing." He smiles and easily jumps out of my arms. "We should probably get back to the main part of the mansion so that I can go see how my dad and siblings are doing..." He says almost sadly. "Look knowing you father your siblings are okay..." I say placing a light hand on his shoulder as I start to walk back to the front part of the mansion.

    Quickly he catches up to me and looks down at his feet as we walk, his hair flopping down on either side of his face messily. I smile and gently put some of it behind his ear as best as I can. He looks up at me startled but just kinda nods not looking into my eyes directly. God how I hate it when he does that. I sigh and reach for his hand resting my hand lightly against his hoping that it will calm his nerves. He pulls his hand away and I leave my hand where it was not wanting to push his limits causing him to become uncomfortable.

    "You okay Kaden? You shouldn't worry... Mr.Claar knows how to take care of your siblings." I say in an attempt to calm him but I just see tears forming and threatening to spill over. Startled I stop and lay a hand on his shoulder just emo to get him to stop as well. "W-why are you crying?!" I asked startled as the tears I had seen moments earlier only threatening to spill over are now running down his cheeks leaving a salty stained trail behind.

    "Kaden please..." I say turning him to face me and embracing him. "W-why do you comfort me Arlo... Why me if all people." He says hugging me back and burying his face into my shoulder and starting to sob. I stand still holding him tightly in my embrace as he cries. Soon enough his sobs quite to a sniffle every now and again.

    "Let's just get going back to the main room so that I can get going home." He says quietly moving away from me and walking away quickly with his head down. I run after him catching up and soon our paces match. I stay far enough away for him to feel like I'm not crowding him but also close enough so that he can hug me if he needs a it.

    Soon enough we get to the living room and both of my parents are there with... Mr.Claar?! What is he doing here. I look around the room and see his siblings sitting on the far couch by the window. As soon as Kaden lifts his head up to look around the room he runs over to the couch his siblings are sitting on and starts checking if they are okay.

    I walk over to my parents and Mr.Claar and stand opposite of my mom. "Mom. Dad. What is the Claar family doing here? Not that I'm offended or anything I just want to know." I say casting a glance over to Kaden's father who is standing about a foot away from me and opposite of my father. "Well dear. We have decided since Kaden and his father can't take care of his siblings alone and his mother is clearly not able to take care of them we have decided to house them until they can get back up on their feet." My mom says sweetly.

    I look over to Kaden's father and notice that he is nervous. "Mr.Claar are you alright?" I ask not wanting the guest to be uncomfortable. "Just calle Oliver, Arlo
I feel very old when you call me Mr.Claar. And yes I am alright just going to have to get used to living here." He says nodding in acknowledgement of my question and going back to his conversation with my father. I nod understanding his request and walk over to Kaden who is in the middle of a dog pile of six of the seven of his siblings.

   In the middle of the extremely large dog pile is a nearly glowing Kaden. I smile and sit on the couch opposite carefully watching them so none of them get hurt.

    "You wanna come over here Arlo?" I hear Kaden  say looking up and noticing that he was now looking at me. "Oh uh sure." I say smiling and walking over sitting on the left side of the dog pile. I sit still and before I have time to react a couple of his siblings are cuddled up to me. "Hey uh Kain what are all your siblings names again. Like I remember Owen but the others I don't quite remember even though I know you have told me them before."

    "Well you already know Owen obviously and um the little girl on your left shoulder would be Athena and the other one on your right is Skiie. The little one who is lying on my lap is Scarlet and the little boy who is lying in-between us is Owens twin Ethan. The boy on my right on my right shoulder is Ace and the last one is Ash." He says as he makes sure he got them all and nods to himself as soon as he finishes naming all of them off.

    "Well all of you I'm Arlo your big brothers best friend and the future alpha of our pack." I say smiling widely as I notice Scarlet's eye's glow a bit. "F-future alpha?" She says quietly as she looks over at me her head tilted slightly taking in my appearance.

     "Mhm. He's the future alpha of the pack Scarlet." She looks up at him a now mischievous glint in her eyes. "I didn't know bubba had friends." She says giggling and rolling off of him and over to me to stay away from his possible attacks, which he would never hurt her maybe playfully scratch her.

A/N: So I'm going to end this now since I haven't posted a chapter in a month love you all and take care of yourselves today! Signing off

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01 ⏰

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