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As we left off, Clem was relief to find out (YN) was alive and not dead. Also, Kate arrives at the square with the truck, only to then crash through the walls, and the truck exploding....which means she's done for inside....but not just that, with the walls being destroyed, walkers started coming inside the community....

Javier: Oh Fuck! Kate!!

Conrad: Go!! I'll go find Tripp!

Conrad makes a run for to go looking for Tripp, Javier rushes over to get Kate out of the truck, only for some walkers to get in his way, he pulls out his gun and began shooting them down and out of his way, as he did, he arrives at the truck, looks inside and notices Kate is no where to be found...

Javier: Kate?! Kate!!

He looked around to find her, but to then spot David...

Javier: David!

David: Javi!! Where's Kate??

Javier: She's not here! She must've gone out.

David: What?! ...Javi, if something bad happens to her, if you gotten better hope she's alive!

Javier: Well shut up  and help me find her then!!

David: What you think I'm doing!

Javier and David makes a run for to go finding Kate while walkers roam around and eating people alive in the community. Suddenly, David spots Kate, and runs over to her, but only to think it was her, but was wrong to then find out it was a walker. The Walker tried to eat him as Javier quickly saves him and shoves her away and to then try attacking Javi....then, somebody swings a crowbar at the Walker, killing it and saving Javier, and finding out it was Kate, who is alive

Kate: I found you!

David: Kate! Oh thank god-

Kate: I'm glad you're alive.

Instead of Kate going to David, she instead goes to Javi and hugs him...which made David confused and not knowing why she didn't notice him at all...he walks between them and to shoot down a Walker...but instead of shooting it down, he brutally began stomping the Walker with frustration...

Javier: David?

David: The hells the matter with you two?! Focus on your surroundings!

Javi spots Gabe with Clem and (YN) fighting the walkers...

Javier: There's Gabe and them!

Kate: Let's go!

Javi and them rush over to Gabe and the others, they arrive to them on time...

Gabriel: Javi!

Kate: Gabe! Are you alright??

Gabriel: I'm fine.

David: Inside!

They all rush inside the building and to shut the door lock from the walkers...

S3 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 3)Where stories live. Discover now