Earth [Elements V]

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// vomit warning towards the last third
it's a bit short and kind of vague(?), but i thought i'd still mention


I entered the kitchen and took a moment to look around in thought. I tried to think of a meal off of the top of my head Zane and I could work on together. I didn't want to pick anything too difficult and foreign.

Eventually, I searched for my recipe book and flipped around for something simple. It was a type of soup or porridge, others have called it. It was a bit rich, but it wasn't as heavy as something I'd make for dinner.

Morro always said it was good for lunch.

"Did you have an idea of what to make?"

I turned to Zane. "I think so," I said. Even if he couldn't read it, I showed Zane the page I was on. There were a couple of drawings. "I don't think I'll make the bread today, but it should still be good with what we have."

Zane offered a nod. "What will we need?"

I read off the list of ingredients. Flour, sugar, milk, and either sour cream or heavy cream. I usually used heavy cream, as sour cream was a greater challenge to get. Zane easily searched for the ingredients while I went to find a small pot.

I had to stop myself from moving into auto pilot before turning to Zane. "Do you... want to start?" I don't think I've cooked with someone before, so I wasn't sure how to offer to let someone help. Morro and I never really cooked together, as he wasn't someone that enjoyed cooking.

"Of course," Zane nodded. "What would you like me to do?"

I glanced at the recipe book before taking the heavy cream. "We start by heating some of this in a pot."

Our cooking session went by quickly. Zane was already an amazing cook, but he was also able to follow my directions almost perfectly. He had hesitated a few times, as some of the instructions he said he had never done before and wasn't sure, but I did my best to tell him that I've made this dish before, and people loved it then.

Faster than ever, the soup was done. I couldn't help but smile as I plated a trio of small bowls. On a plate, I set a few slices of bread and a couple of spoons. Zane carried two bowls while I took the third bowl and the plate to the dining room.

Jay was already excitedly waiting for lunch. I couldn't stop my smile as I offered him his bowl of soup

Lunch went and passed, and soon Jay and Zane headed back outside. I stuck around in the kitchen to store the leftovers for my father and whoever he brings back. Once done, I headed for the exit.

I heard the monastery's main doors open, and I paused in surprise as I listened.

Immediately, Jay called out. "Oh, hey! Are you the new guy? You guys got here quick!"

I couldn't hear the newcomer's voice at first. "...all the way up here?" I barely caught.

"Crazy, isn't it?" Jay exclaimed. "I'm Jay! Hope you're a fan of cooking, 'cause everyone else here is!"

"Of course," The newcomer eventually responded. "It's my favourite pastime..." A short pause. "So... This is it? There's not a lot here."

"There's a secret training course right underneath!" Jay explained. "We ended up putting it away since (Y/n) made lunch. Oh, if you're hungry, we've got some leftovers. I don't know what it is, but it's insanely good."

I barely laughed. It was hard to keep my smile down.

"Speaking of them," Zane spoke up, "where did (Y/n) go?"

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