Chapter 5

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(Jaune's POV)

Cinder and I are walking through the aisles of Publix, looking for what to bring to the barbecue. Mini Seb gazes at the different objects on the shelves, then points at the canned corned beef on the fourth shelf. He coos at the can while messing with his plush; Cinder smiles at our son, then she kisses his forehead. Sebastian squeals in happiness as his mother kisses him.

Cinder: Aw, you're so cute~. *Pats my shoulder* We made a handsome baby~.

Me: I know we did, Cindy~. *Looks at the list* So, we need to grab three racks of pork ribs, cases of beer, sodas, plastics, and utensils! I hope your parents are supplying the seasonings.

Cinder: Jaune, we're from South America! Of course, we will have our spices!

Me: That's a fair point, Cinder.

Cinder: Damn right, boy~. *Smacks my ass* What a firm butt~.

Me: Oi, not in front of the baby, Cindy. *Grabs a box of paper plates* There we go! Now, we need to grab a few pounds of ribs and beverages!

Cinder: Remember, no diet drinks... Those beverages are more toxic than the regular. 

Me: That's true!

We continue to go around the shopping center while grabbing more stuff. Cinder gets a text from her mama, Cecilia, and she wants us to buy some broccoli and zucchini. My wifey responds with a thumbs-up emoji, then we stroll to the produce section. Sebastian tried to grab the bag of lettuce, but he couldn't reach the bag. Our son pouts a bit before playing with his plush again; I bag a few vegetables before tossing them into the cart, earning a light slap on the back.

Cinder: Jaune! Be careful with the veggies!

Me: Bwoah, okay...

Sebastian: Bwoah! Bwoah!

Cinder: Oh no... Jaune, what have you done?! You're turning our son into a miniature Kimi Raikkonen!

Me: It's okay, Cindy!

Cinder: *Hisses* Quit calling me that, pendejo!

Me: Cuida tu lenguaje o Jesse te cobrará. (Watch your language or Jesse will charge you.)

Cinder: ¡Lo que digas! (Whatever you say!)

With our little antic done, we walk to the checkout area, then the cashier recognizes us. The man waves at us with a bright smile on his face.

Cashier: Mr. Jaune Arc! Mrs. Cinder Fall! 

Me: How are you going, mate?

Cashier: Maaaaan, I'm doing well! Congratulations on your first win, I hope there are many more to come!

Me: Hopefully, but the next race is in Saudi Arabia.

Cashier: *Cringes* Yikes, I'm not too fond of that circuit. *Starts scanning* I have dealt with it in F1 2021. 

Me: How many walls did you hit?

Cashier: Too many to count! *Bags the groceries* I raged so much, man!

Me: Hahaha, I can't blame you! 

Cashier: Heheh, yeah. *Sees Seb* Who's this little man?

Me: It's our son, Sebastian!

Cashier: Aw, he's adorable. *Look at the monitor* That'll be $73.91!

I grab my card before tapping it on the card reader, then the guy hands me the receipt. 

Cashier: Alright, sir! Have a good day! *Smiles* And good luck on the next race.

Me: Thank you!

We exit the store before heading to my truck; Cinder texts her mother that we just got out of the store. I lower the tailgate and put the groceries into the cooler as Cinder puts Sebastian into the carseat. With that finish, we hop onto the front seats, then I start the truck. The 7.0 L V8 roars into life, and I start driving to our destination.

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