Chapter 1 Part 3: Garlic Bread

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Not every day is a magical girl day, but every morning is tiring. Haru woke up to a vibration on her phone. Normally it's no problem sleeping in a little bit but she noticed it's from Fumihiro's discord, dedicated to roleplay games Haru writes. She read the message.

"I bet I can get to school before you get here" the message read. "I'll get there before you!" Haru texted back. She rushed to get dressed in her drumline uniform. She's gonna practice and receive feedback on the performance. Maybe she'll learn a new song too! But she can't get distracted. She's gotta get going!

She ran out and stuffed Hisato in her backpack. She forgot that she can't bring him, but he's been brought anyway. She shook her mom awake and said "Wake up! I gotta get to school" Shocked, her mom replied, "Huh?! What?.. Okay! Hold on!" Haru can't rely on that. Her mom always makes her late. Panicking, she ran with her backpack and her lunch bag filled with school supplies and other random papers. Hisato popped out of the backpack.

"I think you're going crazy over a challenge." he quacked. "Too bad! My friend wants to challenge me and I gotta go with it!" Haru whispered. "I thought you were the depressed magical girl who doesn't act happy at home." He mentioned. "That doesn't mean I can't be excited from time to time! I gotta win!" Haru exclaimed.

Her mom came out of the bedroom and Hisato plopped his head back into the backpack. They drove to the school and Haru found that she got there first! Yes! She looked around to ensure Fumihiro's nowhere in sight and indeed he wasn't. He should know better than to make a challenge like this! He's always late on Wednesdays, not to say that Haru isn't too.

"Boo!" Fumihiro spoke directly into Haru's ear from behind her. Haru jumped and turned around to see him. "Nooooooo! You actually scared me this time!" she crossed her arms together. "Yes!" he smiled. It's nothing too common for Fumihiro to smile, so Haru's happy that she could make him smile. The bell rang not too long after the jumpscare. Both parties were satisfied.

"So..." Fumihiro started "Can you tell me who that mysterious figure we met in the story is?" he requested. "Nope! Not until you meet them!" Haru refused. She was all happy about it. "Aww" Fumihiro sighed. The day continued as normal. The classes were exactly what they'd expect. The important moments came after the final period bell rang and students were free to do whatever they need to at home. All students, except those enrolled in special after school programs.

Fumihiro and Haru wouldn't be free to do just anything after school. They'd be playing in the drumline after school, which is much more fun than doing nothing. Fumihiro never enrolled in after school activities before Haru convinced him to join drumline. On the way to the band room, Fumihiro and Haru spotted a hummingbird again.

Hisato popped his head out of the bag again for a short moment to look at the hummingbird. Fumihiro noticed and looked at where Hisato would be if he didn't just hide back in the backpack. Another bird was on the floor eating some garlic bread that another student dropped. Clearly, it wasn't school food. It's too good to be school food. "Aww now I want garlic bread." Haru sighed. "Don't bring it up, I'll want some too" Fumihiro told her. "I want garlic breaaaaaad." she sadly continued with her attempt to annoy Fumihiro. "Do you want to be that bird?" he asked. "Yeah..." she replied. "Tweet tweet" she continued with the bit.

"I'm not gonna give you garlic bread" he responded, being the last thing before everyone got their instruments and lined up in the practice area. The drumline reviewed all of the things they played at the performance for those sticky little elementary school students and received feedback on what they could do. Most of the feedback consisted of "stay together basses"

The day was overall typical. Haru called her mom to pick her up at the front and Fumihiro his dad to pick him up at the side of the school. The two walked to the front of the school only to find a closed door. "Where else do we go?!" Haru panicked. She never went elsewhere aside from the front. "There's an exit at the side, but we'll be walking alone." Fumihiro explained. She'd never gone that route which scared her. "Just follow me there and walk next to me when we're outside and you'll be okay." he instructed.

Haru did as she was told. Fumihiro made sure Haru is on the inner part of the sidewalk since she doesn't know the place well. It's a long yet short way to the front of the school. Haru thought for a moment about the fact Fumihiro is protecting her. That's rude... she's supposed to protect him. But to be fair, he doesn't know that.

A gluttonous hobo was violently eating a dead rat across the street. He clearly hasn't eaten in days and he's eating whatever he can find. People on that side also have lots of good warm food since there are restaurants a little bit farther from the homeless man. It all just made Haru hungrier. Fumihiro made sure especially then that she was on the inner part of the sidewalk. "Stay as far away from that homeless guy as possible." he whispered.

Haru thought for a moment. "Y'know... people might think we're together or something. My mom always talks about how when a girl has a boyfriend he'll protect her from the street." She told him quietly. "I don't care what people think. What matters is you get home safely." he told her. Considering Haru is his only friend, it makes sense why he'd want to protect her. She can't imagine leaving Fumihiro alone with nobody to talk to.

Her thoughts only left her with more guilt. She felt like a terrible person even considering leaving him all alone. And before she knew it she was at the front. Her mom would be late again. Fumihiro ran to his dad's car, meaning Haru would be alone now. She sat at the grassy area and put her backpack at her side. And she waited for her mom to come by.

Fumihiro came back. "My dad said I could wait here until your mom arrives." Haru sighed. "I'm sorry I'm making you wait longer to get home. You should really get going." He shook his head. "You're stuck with me." This was the start of a long conversation.

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