Chapter One

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Y/N, Kirishima soft black hair, beautiful jeweled red eyes and has the quirk Harden water cannot harden herself but can harden water into forming objects. Does not have sharpe teeth everywhere in her mouth only in her canines (Like a vampire).

This story takes place after UA High School.

"Little rock!".

I feel a soft shove forcing me to be aware of my surroundings.

"Yes, dear brother of mine".

"I know that you have been annoyed with me these past few days, but could you please listen to me".

I give my brother a quick glance and see he's looking at me with a puppy dog face.

"Ugh fine, Kirishima what is it."

"So since I graduated and have become an actual hero and dad is leaving for the states here shortly would you be opposed to living with me and my friend. Dad's worried about you and quite frankly so am I. I don't like the thought of you being in the house alone with all these villains out here".

"I'm 19, not 6 Kiri I don't need a babysitter". I roll my eyes and continue walking out of the mall.

Kirishima my brother took me on a late shopping spree for my birthday since he missed it.

I spent $600 of his money on things I loved but wouldn't really wear they were daring and for someone comfortable with themselves, but I got them to make kiri awkward that's what he gets for missing my birthday.

"I don't care how old you are you could be 26 and I would still offer. I love you lil sis think it over otherwise I think dads going to ask Aunt Lila to watch you and I doubt you'd like that."

I shudder.. I love Aunt Lila.. what I don't love is her nonstop dramas on tv she watches in spanish and her organic health foods kick and hugs that are just way to long and don't even get me started on her thunderous snoring..

"Okay deal I'll stay with you will I be sleeping on the couch or do you have a bed for me. I know you have a roommate, is he okay with me staying with you guys for a little? "

"I'm going to be putting an air mattress in his room I can't let you sleep out in the open girls need space and privacy sis and I definitely don't want my roommate even thinking of sneaking glances at you while you sleep, I'd kill him".

"Okay good so dads leaving when?"

"In like 2 days.."

"What!, why did no one tell me until now we need to have a family night first before he leaves".

"Sorry, dad wanted me to let you know last minute because we both know how you get and he didn't want to be guilt tripped into staying and missing the meeting with his boss."

I glare, " I am not that bad. I would of just asked him to stay a few more nights before he left."

He gives me a look, "exactly then after those days end you would have asked for one more night then one more night". He chuckles and I roll my eyes.

We get into his car and start heading to dads.

"Clean the clothes we just got. Pack it up and anything else you'd want to wear i think dads coming back in a month and be ready by 4 the day after tomorrow. I should be done with my scheduled watch by then."

"Yes dad."

He rolls his eyes and keeps driving.

"Um and just a heads up, my roommate is like a major virgin so he might flirt with you if he does let me know and I'll kick his ass I already warned him not to even talk to you if I'm not around, but just in case."

Just how big of a purv is Kirishima's friend Kiri is like the politest person I don't know why he would be friends with someone like that.. I nod my head anyways and we talk a little bit more and before I know it we pull into our driveway and kirishima gets a message he looks down.

" Dad isn't home he said he's still at the office preparing things for the trip, but said the food is in the fridge, he said he'll be home probably after you go to sleep."

I glare. He's definitely avoiding me. I scoff and open and close the door of the car Kirishima opens the trunk for me and I grab my clothes and stomp up the stairs to the house.

"Love you sis!".

I flip him off how dare they treat me like a kid.

I go inside and lock the door.

I go to my room and throw the bags on the bed.

I silently scream.

And soon I fell asleep.

Two days later when I woke up dad had left me a note, (Hey Goodmorning Hunny I love youu sorry I left again without waking you I left you your favorite food in the fridge I'll miss you when I got to the states! I'm Off. Love youu.

Yep, it's official my dad is avoiding me; I haven't gotten the chance to speak to him at all. This is so aggravating.


kiri (bro_ther)~

You ready? Got off work early today.

Little Rock~ Yes :~}

Kiri (bro_ther)~ See you in 20.

I send a thumbs up and place the suite case by the door.

I wonder if Kiri's roommate is like super ugly is that why he's a Purv and a virgin lol. I just hope he isn't one of those weirdo's who sniffs your underwear. I shudder at the thought. Gross.

Soon I hear the doorbell ring and quickly sprint and open it only not to see Kiri but a handsome ass guy with blonde hair guy.

I stutter out, "Who are you?".

He looks down at me and says, "Holy shit this is going to be hard ass shit, Kiri why didn't you tell me she was goddess like man I wouldn't of promised anything!". Confused I look behind the handsome stranger to see my brother walk from behind him, "Say one more thing and I will use my quirk to knock you out and watch your mouth around my little sister". Kirishimas says.

"Sorry about him". He reaches out and grabs my suite cases.

"I-It's okay".

The stranger smiles brightly at me, "I apologize Goddess Kirishima". He grabs my hands and kisses it. " Kaminari, Denki at your service my lady". I see Kirishima harden his fist and slaps Kaminari upside the head knocking him out cold.

"Kiri, Oh my god is he okay!, who even is this".

"The per-I mean roommate that I've been telling you about".

This handsome guy is the pervert my brother has been telling me about. I had thought he would've been extremely ugly with the way he's been telling me about him. Not this handsome guy with extreme charm. I giggled. So stupid.

I help my brother take my things to the car and by the time we were done Kaminari had woken up.

We all silently loaded up into the car me in the front him in the back and we drove to Kirishima and his house in awkward silence.

When we go to their house the boys unloaded the car and brought the things to my room.

When they were done, they both met me in the living room.

"So Bakugou wants me to meet up with him at the Hopper's Cafe he needs a cover up he thinks he found someone undercover trying to get away with stealing money. Do you want to come or would you like to stay here".

"I'll go I missed Katsuki!".

He rolls his eyes, "Are you coming Kami?".

The blonde nods his head and we load back up into the car.

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