Chapter Two

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When we arrive at the cafe it's a little ere, but I feel safe with the Heros.

We walk in and as soon as I see the ashy blonde hair I sprint and leap into Bakugou arms.

He grunts on impact, "Oi Shitty hair what is chip munk doing here".

"Hey Baku-bro, she wanted to come see her fake brother, haha.

"Bakugou how does it feel to be 25 now". I asked as we all sit down.

"Don't remind me I'm getting old."

"Thats only 6 years older than me does that make me old?"

"You are a kid who just go into a university. You will be old once you grow up chip monk are you still shoving food in your mouth?".

I blush and sputter out, " No, I only did that one time when I met you 4 years ago and stop calling me chip monk!"

"Not a chance you'll grow out of that nick name once you grow up, kid."

"I'm not a kid". I grumble out.

I look away and notice Kaminari looking at me.


"You know Bakugo?. And he's nice to you?"

"He's always nice to me he's like a brother to me".

"Ouch Bakugo" Kaminari chuckles and I stare confused.

"Whatever we got business to handle Kirishima, you see that kid with the hat, a little suspitious to see a kid in a reformed villain cafe right?" Kirshima nods, " well I've been digging, and the kids name is Sora Hansel he's been reported missing for 2 years now and I've heard there's been money missing and there's always a report of a vile of green stuff whenever the kids around but one of the owner's Kirihito Kamach called it in. My job is to monitor him and follow him when he leaves".

" Okay so how do you plan to do this?" I asked.

"Hatsume created this tracking devise and the tracking recorder. All I need from one of you is to plant this on him Kaminari or little Chip monk has to do it because he might recognize me and Kirishima since we are well known."

"I'll do it. This is so exciting". I say.

"Okay now we have the plan to plant it. Charge bolt I need you to wait on the roof of whatever building he stops at Deku and round face are already a few blocks away in the event he finds the tracking devise, so they are our plan B our plan C which is the last resort is to follow him on foot at least a 8 feet behind him. got it?.

We not our heads.

I glance towards the little boy's way and see him still whisper away with someone in a hoody.

He slips something into his pocket and walks out the door. Bakugo gives me the signal and I start walking toward the counter next to the boy when I look behind me I purposly crash into him.

I quickly slip the device into the kids' pocket, " Oh my god I am so sorry are you okay, are you hurt at all?" He looks at me and grimaces.

"Don't touch me you worthless quirk girl".

My heart squeezes in its chest. damn that hurt. how does he even know.

He dusts himself off and walks away and out the door.

"Hey sis are you okay? I know how you get when someone says anything about your quirk".

"I am fine what do I look like to you a kid." I pick myself up and shake it off, "Are we going to go after him or not".

We all head off me, Bakugo, and Kirishima on foot 20 feet away Kaminari on foot on the roof and Denki and Orchaka 15 feet in front of the kid on the roofs. We walk for like 20 minutes but then the green light Bakugo held in his hand stopped before disappearing..

"Shit he destroyed the tracker Kaminari do you still have visuals on target.

"No there was smoke everywhere for 2 seconds before it disappeared there's no sign".

"Deku and round face you?"

"No Same thing as Kami just said we saw black smoke then it disappeared.

"Ugh fuck this shit I thought I would be able to get this done!".

"Bakugou my sister is present".

Bakugou rolls his eyes and stomps away.

"Kami take my sister home while I talk to the team about next options, I don't want my sister to deeply involved".


"and uh Kami do anything to her, and I'll kill you".

"What am I 16 jeez you keep treating me like I'm a child I can handle myself".

Kirishima Mhm's me and walks away with Bakugou.

" Shall we go my lady"

I roll my eyes but slightly blush at his jester. We get into a cab and head to their home.

When we get there Kaminari opens and holds the door open for me, "after you".

I blush jeez this guy.

"So do you want pizza or mei (me)"

"Excuse me!"

"Like mei taco place?

I nervously chuckle, "O-oh we can just do pizza. I'm going to go to my room to get it situated um just let me know when it's here..thank you"

He blocks my path, "Do you like it (when I'm..) cheesy or spicy sweetheart".

W-what did he say when or did I imagine that.

"The pizza"..

I blushed oh my god what is wrong with me there is no reason he meant did I like it if he talked to me cheesy or spicy he was talking about the PIZZA get it together.

"I like it cheesy I like spicy to just not on pizza.."

"Alright noted". He winks at me.

I nod and hurry up to my room once I get into my room, I instantly slide down the door and let a breath out. Jez and rice.

About 40 minutes later here Kami yelling that it's here.

I rush downstair starving and see a shirtless Kaminari. Holy hell...

His toned chest stared back at me glistening as if he just got out of the shower.

"Hey, your pizzas on the table I had to get me a jalapeno meat stuffed pizza with extra spicy you know to match my energy ha-ha.

My mouth watered from. either him or the pizza I have no clue but goodness. he did those sweatpants justice. I mean. Clean thoughts clean thoughts.

He's a pervert remember. Or maybe I am.

He grabs a few slices of pizza and salutes me and goes to what I'm assuming is his and Kirishima's room.

I grab a few slices of my pizza's and put the left-over pizza from both of ours into the fridge.

This better be just one of those temptation things teenage girls get. I have never in my life been interested in anyone. So why now ugh. Let's just go watch some anime boys to fall in love with.

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