failed exam

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(It's been 3 days sense they did it and jimin was happy that he confessed. But Jk didn't do was study he forgot that he had an exam)

{Tae} bud it's time to get up come on

{Jk} no five more minutes please

{Tae} you said that it's been fifteen minutes now come on you have to go school

{Jk} fine I guess I can go to school

{Tae} what do you mean you missed 3 days if school you need to go now

{Jk} that's because you went hard on me and I couldn't walk smart one

{Tae} what ever now let's go you have to get ready

{Jk} isn't it you day off today?

{Tae} yep I'm just dropping you off

{Jk} ok

(Time skip English Exam)

{Teacher} ok Students to day as you know we have an Exam so let's get started

(When the teacher handed out the papers Jk was nervous he didn't even know about the Exam and what's worse he didn't even study)

(Ater the Exam at home)

(On call with Jimin)

{Jimin} so you didn't even study for the Exam!!!????

{Jk} aishh don't yell please no I didn't and I failed it too

{Jimin} oh no what is going to happen if your boyfriend is going to find out what are you going to do?

{Jk} Well at least am safe he has the day off

{Tae} what do you mean am still your boyfriend and It's my day off from being your  bodyguard

{Jk} ahh jesus you scared me

{Tae} sorry bud and why were you saying you were a least safe from me? Did you do something?

{Jk} oh no hyung n.....nothing

{Jimin} you better tell him kookie or something will happen

{Jk} no ok I got to go see you jimin

{Jimin} ok see you

{Tae} Jungkook you better not lie to me what happened at school today??

{Jk} umm plzzz don't be mad ok??

{Tae} depending on what you did

{Jk} okifailedanexam

(Said in one breath)

{Tae} what....Did you say ok I failed an Exam??

{Jk} Yes I did

(Looking at the ground)

{Tae} ok then I'll cook dinner

(Tae left Jk alone in the living room and went to the kitchen to cook for them and while doing so Jk asked if he was mad but he just simply said "no why would I be" in a tone and of course Jk knew he was angry so he kept saying he was sorry but Tae didn't anwser. After he was done cooking he served him and Jk and sat down at the table eating silently. When they were done he said " I'm sleeping in the guest room tonight" and left before Jk could even talk to him)


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