ignored while sick

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*sorry for the late update I've been working on the other books I have*

( Jk's pov)
It's been one whole day and Tae is ignore me and I feel sick my throat,stomach and head really hurt and I'm glad I have no school today but I have to retake the Exam on Wednesday or I'll fail and I don't want that to happen. And sense I'm feeling sick I'll stay home today
( End of pov)

{ bodyguard} Sir are you wanting to go anywhere??

{Jk} oh no I'm not feeling well today so I think I'll just stay home today

(Said very weak)

{Bodyguard} oh do you want me to tell your boyfriend sir

{Jk} no its ok it's just probably a bug I'll be ok in a few hours oh and he won't care because I knocked over his mom's favorite vase and it was kinda deep he faked cared because when we got back he yelled at me and slapped me so no its ok don't tell him

(Weak voice)

(And yes Jk met Tae's parents and they love Jk and Tae already met Jk parents when he got the job)

{Bodyguard} is that why we heard yelling the other night?

{Jk} yeah.......I just guess we aren't supposed to be together

(Said while tears are falling)

{Bodyguard} Sir do you want me to call Jimin sir to come here then??

{Jk} yea it would be helpful thanks

(Still weak)

(Jk's bodyguard rushed to call Jimin. When Jimin heared about this he freaked out telling Hobi and Yoongi he had to take care of Jk cause he was really ill Hobi and yoongi were ok with it and if he had to stay the night he aloud him too cause he was his close friend)

(4 hours later)

{Jimin} come on Jk you have to take a shower or a bath it's good to take a bath or showers when your sick

{Jk} I can't.......jiminie is.......everything supposed to hurt it feels like I can't move anything

{Jimin} oh no that's bad I have to call...

(Cut off)

{Jk} No no.....don't call Taehyung please

(Very weak yell)

{Jimin} what no I was going to say the doctor.......wait Tae doesn't know about you being sick?

{Jk} no he stopped talking to me when I told him about my Exam that I failed and ever sense he slapped me

{Jimin} what!!!! He slapped you when!!!!???

{Jk} when I went to go and meet his parents. I knocked over his mom's favorite vase and I got cut it was deep after we came home he slapped me and yelled at me saying that we shouldn't be together saying I'm useless and a slut.......

{Jimin} shhh baby shhh you don't need to say anything else ok....do you want me to cuddle with you so you can sleep more?

{Jk} Yes please

(Jk and jimin cuddle and when Jk fell asleep Jimin walked out of the room and called the doctor. The doctor came and checked him he said he lost alot of blood because of his deep cut that he got hurt from and because someone also cutted him and beated him Jimin was heart broken after hearing that information. The doctor gave him medicine and after he left and Tae came back seeing the doctor leave he started to get worried and ran up the stairs only to see Jimin stop him)

{Tae} what happened where's Jungkook??

{Jimin} wow really using his full name now?

{Tae} goddammit Jimin just tell me is Jungkook Ok??

{Jimin} No he is not that's why there was a doctor that left...AND NO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED NEAR JUNGKOOK AT ALL GOT IT!!!????

{Tae} what??!!! What the fuck did I do??

{Jimin} you slapped and yelled at him

{Tae} what??.......no that was a mistake I never ment to do that

{Jimin} really was it because he failed the Exam and knocked over your mother's favorite vase?

{Tae} Yea it was but I never ment to slap him I really love him and I never ment to do that I need to talk to him

{Jimin} No you aren't a loud near him until he wants to see you  got it???!!!

{Tae} why what happen??

{Jimin} his sick that's what happen ok??!!

{Tae} What why the fuck can't I see him then his my Boyfriend not yours

{Jimin} because he doesn't want to see you

{Tae} Well at least tell him that I'm so so sorry it's just that my grandmother passed way and I'm sorry to you too have a good day

(Tae left before Jimin could say something to him. He walked too his own room and locked it. When Jimin got to Jk's room he saw Jk awake)

{Jimin} ok Jk I have to tell you something

{Jk} ok what is it??

{Jimin} you want to know why Tae has been ignoring you?

{Jk} yea why do you know?

{Jimin} Yes I know....ok his been ignoring you because his grandmother passed way and I can tell she ment alot to him so his going through alot lately I guess

{Jk} omg.......I can't imagine being in his place I feel so sad

(Said while tearing up)

{Jimin} shhh Jk he'll be ok just give him some space and you'll be better then you can talk to him ok??

{Jk} ok thank you I will do that

{Jimin} your welcome


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