My brother goes

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We go back to what my brother said before I started going on a monologue about our house.

'I'm going out to visit mom and dad.' He said, his presence piercing the living room. He was already clad in our dad's business hoodie—Macariah Landscaping—and black track pants, adjusting his watch and patting out his hair. A shocker because he actually grew it out after years of being semi-bald. He then slung a black tote bag over his shoulder, carrying essentials which I assume are like his phone, iPad, Apple pencil, and art materials. An artist tends to carry something to draw with when they go out for a long while. To my surprise, he then magically pulls out a luggage bag from behind our recliner.

'What's that for?' I ask, scratching my nape and wearing a very quizzical look.

'I'm staying over with mom and dad for a week.'

A week? The house all to myself?

'What? And you didn't tell me?' I say, my flabber being gasted and my brain knocked awake.

'You've got work as a mortician. I didn't think you'd have time with how many people die.'

'Well I actually have the week off since a sub is taking over in my place for the time being, idiot. I told you about this.' I groan.

'Oh.' Aydyn says, taken aback by my words. 'My bad.'

   I want to punch his face in, like I always did when we were younger.

'Well, take today to pack and get ready I guess. You can catch up tomorrow–' He says, sucking in a deep breath and wearing a shallow smile.

'No need,' I held a hand up, stopping his words. 'I'll just house sit. If you let anyone else care for this place it's going to get robbed clean.'

Aydyn chuckled, then walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I let out a small 'Aww' and embraced him back, a broad grin on my face as I buried my face to the side of his head and kissed a small plot of his hair.

He pulled away then grabbed my face to give me a platonic peck on my right cheek, to which I swiftly wiped off with my hand pretending to look disgusted—well I was half disgusted.

'I'm off now, see you next Monday.' Aydyn then exits the house, then raises his voice, 'I'm also taking your truck!'

'What?! Why? Fucker you have your own car!'

'I don't want to damage mine.'

At least he admits he's a bad driver. He failed his driver's test twice before getting his licence. No flex but I got it on my first try.

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