~Confusion & Denial~

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Josh's POV:
I took the VR headset off after I finished recording with the other boys. Placing the VR headset on the table near my computer, I left the room taking my phone with me and headed down to the kitchen to get some food. Placing my phone on the counter I went through the fridge, humming gently to myself, wondering what I should make for dinner. My phone rang, shutting the fridge and walking over to the counter it was placed on. Mully was calling me, but why? I picked up, "What's up?" I asked, going back to searching the fridge. "Wanna hang out? At your place or make a video? Maybe another wish video?" I thought for a second. "We just did a VR video, how about we just hang out." Mully was quiet for a bit.. "Mully?" "Oh sorry, I was thinking. Yeah, we can hang out, at the park?" Mully asked. "Yeah, I'll meet you there." Mully hung up the phone before I could say anything else. Shutting the fridge I went to go change, I was in my PJ's all day. I put on the boys new merch we just released, the anime eyes. (Go to the boys.store for their merch.) I slid on the boys.store flipflops and headed outside to my car, making sure I grabbed my keys on my way out. I started up the car and left my house.
~Time skip~
I was sitting on a bench, waiting for Mully to get here. I looked around but didn't see him, did he change his mind? The thought of him ditching hurt for some reason. I shook it off as nothing and sat back down on the bench. "AH!" Mully scared me from behind, causing me to jump forward and slightly yell. Mully was laughing his ass off at my reaction, "Hahaha! I got you good!" I was relieved that it was mully, "Yeah.. Were you there the whole time?" Mully nodded still laughing and sat down. "Sorry man, but that was fucking funny as hell.. Oh.." Mully calmed down and I was chuckling a bit. "So, wanna eat ice cream while we're here? There's an ice cream truck right there." Mully pointed to the large truck, "Sure. Your paying because of that jumpscare." Mully chuckled, "Alright fine." We both got up and headed to the truck. Mully got an ice cream cone & I got a popsicle. Mully checked his phone, "Fuck, no wonder it's hot out here, it's almost 100° out today." I leaned closer to mully so I could see his phone, "Shit you're right, we could head to mine after we finish eating these." Mully tapped my shoulder, "Josh, I dare you to fit the whole popsicle in your mouth." Mully laughed, "What! No way am I doing that!" "Oh come on! Don't be a baby!" Mully, still laughing tried to force the popsicle in my mouth. I gave in, taking the popsicle from mully I managed to fit the whole thing but choked on it from the cold."Haahhaa!" Mully burst out laughing, "What now you cunt." Mully, trying to catch his breath pointed at my face, "You got it on your face! Hahaha!" Sighing I wiped it off my face. I looked at Mully, watching him laugh made me smile at how cute it was. Wait what.. Oh god, don't tell me I like Mully.. No, I'm straighter then a straight line. I find women attractive not men.. "JOSH!" I jumped, quickly looking at Mully, his face had a look of concern on it. "Yeah?" I softened my position, "You seemed like you weren't there, don't do that it worried me." Mully sighed, "Glad you're ok though." Mully smiled. I felt like my heart was going to jump out of chest at him. "Sorry, I zoned out." "Let's go to your place, it's getting to hot out here, I feel like pile of shit in this heat." Mully stood up and so did I. " I walked here since my house wasn't far, you have your car?" I nodded pulling the keys out of my pocket. "Great, I'm driving!" Mully snatched the keys and ran towards my car. I smiled and ran after him. I decided to let Mully drive. When we got to my house, Mully parked the car, both getting out at the same time, mully locked the car & threw the keys to me. We headed inside, immediately feeling better with the air conditioner running, keeping the house cool. "Video games and take out?" Mully looked at me with a smirk, " hell yeah bitch, let's wait until we're hungry to order something though." Mully nodded in agreement. We sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and gaming console, and played games for hours.
~Time skip (Because I'm using a ditial keyboard)~
Mully yawned, "Can I stay the night? It's late & I don't feel like walking." I was cleaning up the mess of wrappers from door dashed food, "yeah, you can take the guest room." I wasn't paying attention since I was picking up the mess. I felt mully's arms wrap around me and his body leaning on me, causing me to freeze in place. "Thanks man, you're the best sometimes." I blushed a bit, "Yeah, no problem.." Mully patted me on the head gently and walked off. Waiting until he wasn't near me, I placed a hand where Mully had one of his, I could feel my heart beating and could hear my heavy breathing. I shook off the feeling, slightly sweating, I hurried to finish cleaning so I could lay down. I threw all the wrappers away and headed to my room. I quickly changed clothes into something more comfortable when I noticed mully's hoodie in my closet, the one he left here last time he stayed. Hesitantly, I pulled it out of the closet. I pushed off the urge to put it on and threw it on my bed. I shut the lights off, plugged my phone in and laid down on the mattress. I pulled the blanket over me and pulled mully's hoodie close to my chest, his scent was still on it.. I kept it close, this isn't gay, I'm just.. watching over his hoodie.. yeah.. I shut my eyes, slowly falling asleep to the thought of mully holding me.

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