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Before 'Divergent' started 

Eric Coulter was walking out of the training area, having just finished his training session for being a leader. As he was walking, he passed by the 'kids area' were he heard a beautiful voice that just made him subtly stop from walking. He moved closer to the door to listen in more. 

He heard the beautiful voice speak again, although this time - in an animated voice. He could tell that she was reading them a story. Eric poked his head slightly to see if he can see the female's voice and luckily for him, he could. 

When Eric looked at her, it was as if he stopped breathing with how bewitching she was - from her soft facial features to her soft voice to even the care and love she had in her eyes for those kids in the room - all of whom wear giggling and having fun listening to her. 

He waited there till the story was finished, wanting to keep listening to her for a few more moments. Her voice strangely made him more calm in his head and it also caused his heart to soften slightly. It was weird for him, however, he didn't seem to mind it. When she finished the story, he left thinking, 'I'm going to come back tomorrow' and 'How have I never seen her before?'.

Luna, while she was telling the story, had felt eyes on her but couldn't see from where they were coming from. After she finished the story and the kids were going back to play with the toys, she had turned around to look, to see if anyone was there. However, she found no one so she just brushed it off. It also didn't help that some kids came asking her to play with them and she had happily obliged. She loved kids and she loves her job. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2023 ⏰

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