Chapter 2

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Several hours passed by. A few things happened, but Abby and Dexter mostly just talked to each other. At one point they went back to chasing each other, another time they begged Milo to help them make cookies. When he told them no, they decided to go pretend to make cookies in the sandbox. When they came back, they tracked sand into the house and Milo had to sweep it up and put it back.

"Dex, if you were the author of a book, how would you describe my appearance?" Abby asked at one point. This is definitely not just some type of way to add in what the characters look like because the author forgot that that was an important aspect in the last chapter.

"Apprearance?" Dexter asked. "What does that mean again? And descibe?" It's like he took the r from describe and moved it to appearance. I bet you didn't even notice. Go back and read it again.

"Appearance is what something looks like, and describe is to explain something." Abby explained. Abby wasn't good at teaching, but she was pretty good at describing words. She makes things easy to understand.

"Please elaborate." Dexter said. He knows the word elaborate but not describe? Instead of elaborating like Dexter asked, Abby just waved her hands to promote him to use his brain to put the pieces together. "Ohhh, okay." Dexter finally understood and started to look at Abby thoughtfully.

"You look like...." Dexter spoke slowly as Abby waited in anticipation. "A girl." Abby was not amused. "Wait, I'm still thinking, okay?" Abby rolled her eyes. "You have blonde hair, brown eyes," Dexter continued, Abby waved her hands to encourage him to say more. "you wear a lot of pink because that's the only thing Aunt Rachael buys you, and you have a very cute face."

The part about the pink clothes was a little strange, but Abby was left happy with the last part. She was prideful of her cute face. But then again, who knows how long it'll last. She's a child after all. But speaking of appearances, you might be wondering what Milo, Dexter and Mr. Snuggles look like.

Milo looks a lot like Abby, just imagine that but older, and a boy. He has cow ears though. One of his ears has a tear in it. He has horns and a tail with a white tuft on the end. All in all, the creep of a scientist who made him like this was trying to make him a cow, but his experiment didn't work very well since, y'know, Milo is still human.

Where is that scientist? Who would do such a thing? He's behind bars. He lost in court to Milo's parents. They earned quite a huge sum of money. They gave a portion of it to Milo. Well, technically they did. They actually invested it into stocks for him.

As for Dexter's appearance, he's half Japanese, and he definitely looks the part. His hair is dark brown with a long fluffy haircut. Dexter's Mom never liked the idea of cutting her baby's hair. One strange thing about the way Dexter looks is that he has green eyes. He got it from his Dad, but you wouldn't think it would be such a dominant gene.

Mr. Snuggles is a cat. Go figure. He's a small orange tabby. He has a few scars under his fur, but other than that he's just a normal cat. Except for his love for bananas. He's always getting into the bananas in the fruit bowl.

"Man." Abby said as she sat back in a chair. "I feel like I've been waiting here doing nothing while a narrator has been describing something pointless." How did she know? Witchcraft. Banish this child. 

"Abby, stop breaking the fourth wall." Milo complained. "You're gonna make the viewers go away. You're making them think the entire book is like this. You're only supposed to do occasional fourth wall breaks." Milo... I swear to God...

Next time a character comes up, the writer will be more responsible and actually write what they look like. It's more practical and convenient that way. Alright, no more fourth wall breaks for this chapter. There's been plenty.

"When are Mom and Dad coming back?" Abby asked. "They're taking forever." She might have seemed bored by saying that, but actually she wasn't. She was in the middle of playing tea party with Dexter and her stuffed animals.

"They're not coming back until tonight." Milo said while switching on the TV. "They're literally hiking a mountain." Milo's words piqued Abby's interest. She made a face of awe. "No, they're not climbing Mount Everest. It's a smaller mountain that only takes a day to hike." Abby sighed.

Abby ditched her tea set to watch TV with Milo. She asked if they could watch Saiki K because Dexter hadn't seen it yet. Milo also liked that show, so he agreed to it. Abby stood up off of the floor and threw herself on the couch. She probably should've thought through that move more, because she ended up landing on Milo's tail.

Milo squeaked and Abby got up to find out what the problem was. Milo picked up his tail. It hurt really bad, but it looked mostly fine so he let it be. He decided to tell his parents about it if it still hurt later. 

"Are you okay?" Abby asked quickly. "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I shouldn't have done that I'm so sorry please forgive me." Abby begged.

"Chill, you're fine." Milo said. Even so, Abby whined. Abby was more worried than Milo was. She pointed to Milo's tail, so Milo looked at it once again. "Huh. Well that's a problem." Milo said after noticing that his tail was crooked.

Milo picked up his phone and called his Mom. To his surprise, she answered. Despite being on a mountain, she still had connection somehow.

"Mom I think my tail is broken." Milo said when she answered the phone. "Abby sat on it and now it's crooked." Milo explained. "Oh, the agony, sob sob, cry cry." Milo said dramatically.

"We're kinda halfway up a mountain..." Milo's Mom said. "How bad is it?" She asked.

"It's really painful. It hurts to touch it." Milo described the state of his tail. "It's out of shape." Milo has always stayed fairly calm in most situations. He learned to keep his cool even though something stressful might be happening. He hadn't learned this yet back when he got that tear in his ear.

"I can call my sister to bring you to the clinic. You know where your medical cards are, right?" His Mom asked. Milo made a noise to show he knew where his medical cards were. "I hope she's okay with bringing the kids with you. I'd bring you, but I'm on a mountain. Nothing will break my  stride thank you very much. Anyway, I'll call you back if she isn't willing to bring you."

"Alright, thanks." Milo said, then hung up the phone. Immediately going back to the TV and turning on Saiki K. Abby sat there waiting for Dexter's reaction to it. Dexter didn't seem to understand the humor, but he was happy if Abby was happy.

Milo didn't get called back by his Mom, so he knew Aunt Nicole was going to come over to take him to the doctor. He didn't want to dig through his Mom's room for the medical cards when Aunt Nicole was already at the house, so he got up and found them. Milo took a painkiller while he was at it, then went back to watch Saiki K with the kids.

Despite Dexter not understand the humor in the show, he really liked the idea that Saiki had all those powers. It might have become Dexter's new favorite TV show. But, most anything would become that because he rarely watched TV. Dexter pet Mr. Snuggles as he watched.

After the episode was finished, Milo told Abby and Dexter to get their shoes on. Aunt Nicole probably would be there soon to pick them up. Abby and Dexter got up and scrambled away to get their shoes on. They didn't really care where they went. Any place was an adventure to them, even if it is just the doctor's clinic.

They quickly came back with their shoes put on. Dexter rocked his velcro strapped shoes. Abby's shoelaces were sloppy and loose because she didn't retie them. She didn't know how  to tie her shoes. Milo tried to teach her how to tie them multiple times before, but she never seemed to grasp it.

Again, Milo tried to teach Abby how to tie her shoes, but she didn't seem to figure it out any more than she did before. Better luck next time.

Little did Milo know, the rest of that day would be the biggest adventure of his life. I'm kidding. Milo, in fiction's eyes, is a boring character with a boring life. It's a wonder why anybody would even read this in the first place.

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