Chapter 4

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English is not my first language!
This chapter contains:

"Mitchy you're so mean!" "Yeah, yeah" "Guys let's eat something" "Sure, Baji"


Time skip

"Guys what will be your order?" "Pizza Pepperoni" "Tayaki" "Spaghetti bolognese" "chicken nuggets" Takemitchy will you order anything?" "Oh yeah sorry. Can i get a bowl or rice" "Coming right away" "So Takemichi how old are you?" "10" "Can you cook" "I can, Mitsuya" "Can you cook for me :D?" "Sure" "Takemitchy you never told me you can cook!" "Sorry Mikey" "Here's your orders" "Thanks" After they were done with their meals Mikey and Takemichi went to Shinichiro and the others continued to hang out. "Shin-nii!" Mikey opened the door and saw Shinichiro with a boy with white hair. "Shin who is that?" "Mikey this is Izana your brother" Mikey didn't really recognise Izana. "Izana this is Takemichi" "Hello-" Mikey dragged Takemichi out of the shop looking annoyed "Mikey what was that for?!" "Takemitchy I can't talk to Izana! After the things he has done to me!" "Mikey you can, i will always be by your side" Mikey hugged Takemichi and they went back to Shinichiro's shop

"What happened?" "Nothing" "How old are you, Izana?" "11" "Cool, I'm 10" "Didn't ask." Takemichi signed 'He didn't change' "Izana don't be rude to Takemichi" "You're such a mom, Shin." "I'm just teaching him some manners!" "Takemitchy" "Yeah?" "Let me introduce Emma to you!" " Take Izana with you!" "Okay!" The three of them were running to Mikey's house. Takemichi is a 26 year old man but he misses the feeling running around with his friends, playing in playground's and other places. "We're here!" Mikey opened the door and shouted Emma's name. "Emma!" "What?" "This is Takemitchy and Izana!" Emma had a big smile on her face and her eyes widened while looking at Takemichi. "D-did i do something?" Takemichi looked at Mikey confused and a little bit stressed. Emma started dragging Takemichi to her room and started putting makeup on him. Mikey and Izana just laughed at the scene as Emma started putting crowns and dresses on him. "I'm home! Why are you guys laughing?" Shinichiro walked into the room and saw Takemichi dressed up like a princes and Emma was next to him looking proud of herself. Shinichiro started laughing and the others too. "Emma can i take it off now?" "No Takemichi! I want to take some photos!" "Emma let him take it off if he wants to" Shinichiro gave her a little smile "Okay" Emma looked a little bit sad but she understood that
Takemichi didnt want to play princesses.

"Shinichiro" "Whats wrong, Takemichi?" "I will be going now" «are you sure? You're hurt and you're all alone in the house-" "Shinichiro it's okay. Don't worry!" "Mitchy you will be going now?(" "We can hang out later" Takemichi put on his shoes and went to his house. Mikey was sad that Takemichi left but he will come back later he thought to himself. Shinichiro was still worried because he is just a kid. He doesn't have anything. He gave Takemichi some money but he refused to take it so Shinichiro put them in his bag without him noticing. Takemichi opened his front door. His dad wasn't there. He probably moved away with his new girlfriend. Takemichi was happy his dad wasn't there. He got a little bit hungry so he cooked some eggs. While eating he looked around. It was a little bit messy but he will clean it later he thought to himself. His dad's cigarettes we're still there. He took a lighter and one cigarette. He started smoking it. But it wasn't enough for him. He took another one. And another one. And another one. He just cant get enough of it. His eyes are red now. He is really high. Takemichi just didn't know what to do his eyes were a little bit watery. *knock* *knock* Takemichi's eyes widened. Who would that be? He opened the door and saw Shinichiro "O-oh! Hey Shin!" "Takemichi why are your eyes red?" "Oh-I don't know?" Shinichiro looked around and saw cigarettes and a lighter on the table. It was obvious what happened. Takemichi was really scared what Shinichiro would say. "Takemichi have you been smoking?" "Um.." Takemichi tried to avoid eye contact but Shinichiro took his hands in attempt to make Takemichi look at him. "Takemichi tell me the truth." "Ok i did..!" Shinichiro looked at Takemichi sad and shocked. The both of the sat on the couch "Im really mad at you but tell me a reason why you did it" Takemichi's vision was a little bit blurry. "Takemichi are you okay? Takemichi do you hear me?" Shinichiro gave takemichi a glass of cold water to make him feel better but it didn't really make much. Takemichi fainted in Shinichiro's arms this made Shinichiro panic. "Takemichi? Takemichi!" He shaked Takemichi a little bit. Shinichiro called an ambulance.



Time skip

Takemichi woke up on a hospital bed. He saw a blurry version of shinichiro next to him sitting on a chair. He blinked twice so he could see Shinichiro properlly. "Takemichi can you hear me?" Shinichiro looked at Takemichi with a worried face. Takemichi remembered what happened and didn't want to look at Shinichiro. He felt guilty. "What you did was really bad. Takemichi look at me!" Takemichi looked at Shinichiro. Takemichi's eyes we're a little bit watetry. "Don't ever do that again! Do you hear me?" Takemichi nodded in response. Shinichiro left Takemichi's room but after some time the door was slammed open.


GUYS IM SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING THIS STORY 😭🙏. And if you have any ideas feel free to share them <3

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