Before you start reading

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Dear reader...

Before you start reading, I need to confess something you deserve to know.

I am a terrible writer.

I'm one of those lazy writers, uncommitted writers, bad-spoken writers who curse a lot, who forget the name of the characters and who don't make plans for their lives. My characters do whatever the fuck they want and I let them, because I dislike when people tell me what to do, so why would I do the same to others? To them?

So...I'm not a good writer at all, I do only write when a story happens in my head and I need to share it somehow but then I get bored and totally uninterested and quit it. That's how I have tons of unfinished stories that will never have an ending.

For this story, I'll make my best attempt to write it fully, because I've been told that stories need to have an ending. But what is an ending though? Should I write until all of the characters are dead? Or should I finish the conflicts that all of them have just to make you think it's over? What is a bloody ending? Can anyone explain me? Because that's not how real life works...Aren't our stories written until we die?

So how to finish this one? I can't write my characters' end Because they won't die yet and they will keep having issues and shit, even when we know nothing about it. However, to be able to complete this manuscript, I'll just tell the story of a tiny fragment of their lives. If I don't get bored, if you don't get bored, maybe later I will tell you more.

By this I mean...this story will have an end, but it could be as short as 1k words or as long as 50 long boring chapters.
What do you say? Are you going to start reading anyways?


Well, if you got this far then you pretend to go on. So, I'll tell you more about the story I intend to tell.

First of all, it's based on my life or moments of it. There are a lot of fake characters here, but all of them have bits of people I've met. So they're not like any real person but they're based on one or many other real people at the same time.  So please if anyone who ever reads this may feel offended, don't be. My imagination created this bunch of crazy people and they do not exist. I repeat:


Secondly, I won't tell you where the story happens, because I want you to imagine it anywhere you want. There will be some descriptions but the location and names will be fake and imaginary. The country could be any so feel free to invent this story in your neighbourhood or favourite country. Time and epoch could be any year from 2005 or 2007 or even 2010...I'll let that to your imagination as well.

Said this...

Scroll down and let's begin.

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