Arcee (Transformers Prime)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[F/C] = Favorite Color

[A/M] = Alt Mode

[H/P] = Human Partner

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

In the Autobot's base, Arcee is pacing back and forth impatiently.

Arcee : Where are they?! [Y/N] and [H/P] should have been back by now!

Optimus Prime : Calm down Arcee, I'm sure they'll be back any minute now.

Arcee : What if something happened Optimus? They could've been attacked by the Decepticons! Please, allow me to go out to search for them!

She exclaims as her human partner Jack quietly whispers to Ratchet, the Autobot medic.

Jack : What's with her? I've never seen Arcee act like this.

Ratchet : Well you see Jack, [Y/N] is Arcee's Conjux Endura.

Jack : Conjux Endura? What the heck is that?

Ratchet : It's a Cybertronian thing. In human terms, I suppose it means something similar to a soulmate, or the one you're in love with.

Jack : Oh, I get it. Arcee is getting all worked up because she's worrying over her boyfriend.

He says and laughs loud enough for Arcee to hear him.

Arcee : What's so funny Jack?

She asks as she looks at him sternly.

Jack : N-nothing!

Before Arcee can question him further, [H/P] enters the base in a familiar [F/C] [A/M].

Optimus : See, everything's alright just like I told you Arcee.

As he says this, [H/P] exits the [A/M] and hastily runs over to Ratchet.

[H/P] : Ratchet, [Y/N]'s hurt!

Arcee : What?!

[Y/N] then transforms into his robot mode, revealing a large chunk of his side missing.

Arcee : Oh my Primus, what happened?!

She rushes over to [Y/N], who struggles to remain standing.

[Y/N] : O-on our patrol, w-we were Starscream.

He says weakly as Arcee's optics widen with rage.

Arcee : Starscream!!!

She goes to storm out of the base, but is stopped by Optimus.

Arcee : Move aside Optimus!

Optimus : No, I understand how you feel right now Arcee, but going out to confront Starscream is a bad idea.

Arcee : I want to make him pay for everything he's done! Remember what he did to Cliffjumper? I won't stand by and allow another Autobot to be offline'd by his hands!

Optimus : Control your anger Arcee! [Y/N] needs you here, I'll send Bulkhead and Bumblebee out to make sure Starscream didn't follow [H/P] and [Y/N] back. Right now, I suggest you calm down and help Ratchet with anything he needs for [Y/N]'s repairs.

Arcee :'re right. I'm sorry Optimus.

Optimus : It's alright Arcee, I would be upset as well if I were in your position.

She gives him a small smile and heads over to Ratchet, who has already begun working on [Y/N] with [H/P] by his side.


Several hours later, Ratchet finishes up making repairs on [Y/N].

Ratchet : All done. You should be as good as new now [Y/N], but I'm afraid you'll have to refrain from going on missions for a while to make a full recovery. Doctor's orders.

[Y/N] : Alright, thank you Ratchet.

He simply nods as Arcee helps [Y/N] to his quarters.

Once the two are alone, Arcee immediately wraps her arms around [Y/N] with no hesitation.

Arcee : I was so worried about you [Y/N], if you were offline'd...

She cuts herself off as the thought is too much for her to bare.

Trying to ease his beloved fembot, [Y/N] rubs her back comfortingly before pulling away and looking into her blue optics with a small smile.

[Y/N] : Don't even finish that sentence Arcee. I'm stronger than I look, and I have no intention of leaving your side anytime soon.

Arcee : I know, but I've already lost Cliffjumper, I don't want to lose you too [Y/N].

He winces at the mention of Cliffjumper, who was his best friend and fellow teammate back on Cybertron.

[Y/N] : You're never gonna lose me Arcee. Even if something does happen to me, a part of me will always be with you in your spark. Besides, since I've been given orders not to partake in missions, I won't be in any danger for a while.

With a small smile, Arcee rests her head on [Y/N]'s shoulder.

Arcee : How is it you always know how to settle my nerves?

[Y/N] : Well, you and I are sparkmates Arcee, so I guess it just comes naturally.

She turns to him with a confused look.

Arcee : Sparkmates?

[Y/N] : What? I like the sound of it. Do you not like it?

She shakes her head and gives [Y/N] a gentle kiss.

Arcee : On the contrary [Y/N], I like it a lot.

[Y/N] : I'm glad. By the way, where's [H/P]?

Arcee : Optimus drove him and Jack home while Ratchet was working on you. He was reluctant to leave your side, but eventually agreed after some reassurance from Optimus and Jack. I swear [H/P] was almost as worried about you as I was.

[Y/N] chuckled.

[Y/N] : Yeah, I figured as much. [H/P] is a really good kid.

Arcee : Plus I also helped to ease his worry by telling him I'd stay by your side as you heal.

[Y/N] : Really now? Are you staying by my side because you promised [H/P], or because you just want to be close to me?

He asks her in a teasing manner.

She smirks and wraps her arms around his abdomen.

Arcee : Why can't it be both?

The two Autobots lean in and share a passionate kiss before staring into each other's optics lovingly.

[Y/N] : I love you Arcee.

Arcee : I love you too [Y/N].

Enjoying the moment, Arcee snuggles into her sparkmate's chest, making him smile as he mentally ask Primus how he got so lucky.

Transformers Prime : Arcee x Male Reader One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now