Chapter 1

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Caleb stood amidst the silent graveyard in Ravenswood, his eyes fixed on his phone, as he furiously tapped and scrolled, searching for any trace of information on Ravenswood.

The digital abyss yielded no results, leaving him feeling frustrated and perplexed.

The town seemed to have vanished from the reaches of the internet, a place untouched by modern age or so it seemed.

His brow furrowed is disbelief, Caleb said in frustration, "Ravenswood has got to be the only town in the country without a website."

He ruffled his hair and and shrugged. "You know what? Maybe it's just a coincidence. I bet I have relatives here or something like that."

Maybe it was true. Maybe he had some long lost relative in his family he didn't know about.

He glanced at Miranda, hoping to have some explanation or least agree with him.

Miranda scoffed and raised an eyebrow, a skeptical look forming on her face.

"Yeah, 'cause I'm sure that happens all the time. Seeing your name and face on a gravestone." She quipped, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Caleb heaved a heavy sigh, a mixture of determination and frustration evident in his voice.

"I'm not saying it happens all the time, but it happened. There's an explanation and we'll find it." He assured her, his eyes reflecting his unwavering resolve.

There had to be some explanation to why there were his and Miranda's pictures on the tombstones they saw the night before.

A gust of wind rustled the leaves of the trees above them, lending an eerie ambiance to the cemetery.

Caleb's gaze returned to his phone once more, as if hoping it would magically yield the information the sought.

The silenced weighed heavily upon them, amplifying the mystery of Ravenswood.

As he continued his futile search, Caleb couldn't shake the feeling of being trapped in an enigma. It was as if the town itself refused to be documented, concealing its secret from prying eyes.

The gravestones surrounding them seemed to hold their own tales, whispering echoes of forgotten lives and buried histories.

A smirk played across Miranda's lips, looking at Caleb. "You know, you sound a lot like the guy who's all logical and scientific in horror movies. He usually doesn't make it to the end credits."

Caleb shook his head, with a chuckle.

Miranda's skepticism slowly melted away. She recognized the unwavering determination to accept defeat. Regardless, she starts to walk past him.

Caleb struck with curiosity, he glanced at Miranda, his eyes following where she was walking to.

"Where are you going?" He asked, curiosity showing across his features. Miranda turned towards him, stopping in her tracks. Her eyes flickered with anticipation.

"My uncle's house. Maybe he's back now." She replied, her voice tinged with hope and uncertainty.

Caleb nodded, his own curiosity piqued by what she said.

"So, how did you find out you had an uncle, anyway?" He inquired, eager to delve deeper into her story she has yet to tell.

Miranda's expression shifted, revealing a mix of frustration and intrigue. "I got a letter from my parents," she explained, "At the bottom, it said a copy was sent to my mom's brother...Mr.Raymond Collins, Sawmill Road, Ravenswood." She paused, her emotions intertwining within her. "Instant family. I went from excited to ticked-off in about ten seconds."

Caleb's empathy swelled within him, empathy etched on his face. He understood what she meant. "I know the feeling."

Miranda's gaze locked with Caleb's and asked, "You do?"

"Like I told you on the bus, I know what it means to be a pinball-foster kid."

Miranda's gaze met his again, a glimmer of connection forming between the two. Her initial skepticism melting away.

The weight of their shared experiences hung in the air, a kind of kinship forming a bond between them.

Miranda's eyes widened, with realization, her gaze directed towards a weathered house nearby at the end of the cemetery.

Recognition flashed across her face, and her voice filled with excitement, but also more uncertainty. "Hey, Caleb, this is uncle's house." Miranda exclaimed, feeling suddenly nervous. Miranda wanted yo get answers from her uncle about him, about her parents and hopefully their faces on the gravestones. Maybe Miranda's uncle held the answers.

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