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3rd person pov:

It's midnight, the couple was now laying at bed, while a sleepy Raine whispers staring at her gorgeous girlfriend reading a book.

Now, eda reading a book. Shockinh right?
After everything that went down, the bard had forced the owl lady to read a book of romance.
Sooner than later, eda became obsessed with the book, and Raine just loved watching her be fascinated by the stories the books have.

"Love, I think it's getting late you should just finish that tomorrow" raine says sleepily,

"Just one last chapter please " eda says still focusing on the book.

Raine then sat down and got closer to their girlfriend, laying their head on her chest.

"You know, if I knew if you'd be this obsess with reading books, I would never had dared you to do it"

"Pshh, I'm not obsess with it, it's just really thrilling, y'know" she reasons, knowing dame well she's obsessed.

"Yeah right, c'mon I miss you, it was hell spending time with Darius, he keeps talking about his cloak and how it accents him, whatever that means"

"Hmm" she hums, obviously still focused on the book.

"Calamity, pleaseee" wow Raine, that was really a bold move, Raine knows she can never say no when they use that pet name

"Fineee, since you're so needy" she says, flipping one of the pages as a book mark, putting the book somewhere on the floor, and cuddling up to their partner.

"I love you, like so so much" Raine tells her, their face close to eda's.

"I love you too rainestorm" Eda replied, putting a hand on raine's face, and pulling them even more closer, where her lips can reach raine's cheek, then nose, above their lips, and a small kiss on their lips not even giving Raine a time to respond the to the kiss.

But then Raine pulled her face slightly hard, kissing her like there was no tomorrow, one of their hands in her face and one grabbing her neck.

"You have no idea how much I missed doing this" they say almost breathless, but still kept kissing her, as eda just melt into them.

Raine then start to got on top of eda's body, still kissing her passionately, making her almost unable to breathe.

Raine continues to kiss her wherever they can reach and starts peppering kisses all over eda's neck, making her absolutely lose her mind.

Their hand reaches her chin pulling it up slowly, to kiss her even more and went in deeper in her neck, taking small bites on her skin, making eda gasp at the sudden move.

"I love you so freaking much, you have no idea  things I would do for you" they say, almost as a whisper, from the lack of their breathing.

Those words just made eda's brain stop working, as if the whole world doesn't exist, like there were only the two of them existing, the two of them in the room, just enjoying the presence of eachother, no problems, no pain or any other distractions.

They started kissing her on the lips again, but with more passion and getting more aggressive more and more as they continued.


Ok umm imma stop myself right here, I apologize for not updating In a while, school is hell guys😭,
Anyways, this is just  ask y'all if u guys are comfortable with this, like idkk, should I continue or change it to just fluff, or I can do both...
I kinda wanna do both, but idkk...

Also is it good or shit, idk

Againnn, sooo sorry!!!


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