Chapter 5

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Right after wishing his brothers luck in their teams. Y/N was taken to the Crimson Lion's base.

"Whoa! This place is huge!" Said Y/N Ju

"Yep. But when you are here for a pretty long time, it's an average size base. But you'll love it here." Said Fuegoleon. " Anyways, feel free to make this place your home. Besides, you are going to be here for a while." Fuegoleon said

They open to the base and were met with a few people at the dining room.

"Hey, brother! Is this the new guy?" Asked Leo.

"Yep. Now, introduce yourself to the crew." Said Fuegoleon.

"Umm... I'm Y/N L/N from Sunfall Village." Said Y/N

"Hey isn't Sunfall one of those run-down villages?" asked Leo

"Hey, my village isn't run down! It's pretty nice if you ask me!" said Y/N in defense of his hometown.

"Also I'm I th only commoner in this squad?" asked Y/N

"No. We have a few but they are asleep right now." said a random knight

"Matter of fact, most of them are asleep." said another random knight.

"My name is Randall and I'm the vice-captain of the Crimson Lions. Welcome to the team....."


"Welcome to the team Y/N!" Said Randall as he hands Y/N the Crimson Lions robe.

Y/N then puts it on and smiles.

"Huh. It fits you well." Said a female knight

"Now that you are approved as Lion, let me take you to your room!" said Leo with a toothy smile as he puts his arms around Y/N's neck.

They go up the stairs and meet someone on the way there.

"Oh hey, Leo! And hello guy I just met." said the girl

"Oh this is Y/N. He's the rookie of the squad. Y/N this is Fuyu Viburnum." said Leo

" said Leo

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"Wait. He's the new rookie?! Finally! I'm a senior of someone! WOO!!" shouted Fuyu as she runs down the hall.

Leo and Y/N sweatdrops at Fuyu

"Welp, she seems happy," said Y/N

"Anyways, let's get going to your room."

They walked to his room as you look around your room.

"Man, this room is better than the one back at home," said Y/N

"Glad you like it. Anyways, you should get some sleep, tomorrow you might start on your first mission with me!" Leo said with a smile.

"Wait, did you say mission tomorrow? I just started." said Y/N

Leo shrugs his shoulders and walked away with a smile on his face.

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