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Stability foraged around the environment of the backyard

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Stability foraged around the environment of the backyard.

You were sitting in the gardens, your head bowed as you sketched along a page at the back of your notebook. Your pencil lightly scratched against the page as the wind breezed past you.

Though there was peace, you could sense a fraction of apprehension. Turmoil was brewing in your wife from behind you.

After all, she was sulking. Pressing almost all of her body weight on you as she tucked the front of her face in the crook of your neck. Her arms draped around you tightly, her fingers interlocked at your belly.

You'd waited for her to express her feelings, but for the past two days, she'd only been clingy. How peculiar.

If she wasn't going to say anything, then you were.

"Do you mind explaining why you're suddenly pouting? Or do I have to pry it from that stubborn head of yours?" You turned your head to the side, your cheek pressing against the top of her head.

Tengen only tightened her grasp forward, you could feel a frown tugging at the ends of her lips against your neck. "I am not pouting," she protested. "I'm just...relaxing."

That was her excuse.

"How bizarre," you snorted, "you haven't been clingy like this before. I wonder..." But your words trailed into silence.

The longer the silence pressed on, the more your words got to her. She knew that you knew, it was only a matter of time. She wriggled from behind you, snuggly pressing her plush breasts against your back.

"You're agitated," you deduced without having to see her face.

It was like you were in the back of her mind.

"So spill. What is it?"

Tengen pouted again. You'd figured her out so easily, though it was to be expected when you'd been married to him the longest. That, or perhaps you'd been around anxious patients so much, you could tell something was bothering someone.

Either way, Tengen had been caught and there was no reason to beat around the bush any further.

"I saw you with Hinatsuru the other night," she confessed. "I heard all that commotion and came to check on you two.

"I assumed so," you hummed, "we weren't exactly quiet." You placed your notebook to the side, your pencil tucked inside the thin spine. "Though you're still not explaining yourself," you teased.

Tengen frowned. "I assumed you'd take care of me afterward, but you walked past me as if I wasn't there."

"Oh?" You were giving her your undivided attention now. You knew what she was getting at. You just wanted to hear her say it. "Go on. What's making my wife so upset?" A teasing smile was threatening to stretch from the corner of your plush lips. "Do you want something from me? If so, let it be known. Use your words."

Opposite Day 𓆗 Tengen Uzui + WivesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora