The persistence of me

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It was the day she was born...That was when they had first met each other but of course she had been too young to remember anything. People in her life, those who were present that day, had told her though how they'd met. Her mother had been about to pop her into the world when the angel Whis, Lord Beerus's attendant and master appeared. Her mother had explained that Whis had magical abilities and he used it to retrieve Bulla out of her belly by simply waving his staff at the swollen stomach and muttering some strange incantations. And just like that - WHOOSH - Bulla was born. She had appeared in the air, cleaned and already in diapers, startled to suddenly be removed from the warm cocoon that was her mother's womb. Bulma had been so pleased that there was no blood, no pain and her baby girl was all sparkling clean.
Everyone important in their lives had appeared that day, according to her mom. All their old friends like Yamcha (her mom's ex and friend), Gohan, Goten, all of her family and even the famous Hercule Satan had been present. Everyone wanted to hold her and greet her. Bulla was told that she was a good little baby with few temper tantrums and one with a pleasant demeanour who liked to giggle happily when people held her. The only people she didn't giggle happily with when they held her were Yamcha and Mr Satan...
She had learned that even he had made her giggle happily when he had first held her in his powerful arms. In hindsight, she feels like that was maybe already a sign that she would always like him...Would always hold affection for him...Would always smile or laugh in his presence...Or was that just her reaching for the stars? Perhaps, but she likes to dream...
Goku was his name and even though she met him, she didn't know him as her infant mind was still too young to comprehend anything...She wouldn't see him again for another 5 years in fact.
And so, for the first five years of her life, Bulla grew up never really knowing who Son Goku was despite how her parents and even her brother would talk about him occasionally. She's even heard her mother tell her stories of her childhood with him and all the adventures they had been on when they went searching for the dragon balls. She had listened in awe, completely captivated by these tall tales of fun and excitement and danger. Bulla grew to adore her mother's stories of her experiences and friendship with her friend Son Goku.
Her mother's stories about her adventures with Oolong, Goku, Yamcha and Puar were just one of her favourite things as a five year old little girl. The other things that totally captured her heart were her stuffed toy, Lamby, a small round plush lamb doll - a gift from her brother, her exquisite tea set with the delicate scalloped cups and lovely English rose designs (her mother's gift) and a little Saiyan armour made to fit her tiny body, courtesy of her father (though her mother was the one who actually made it), and of course, her most beloved animated film of all time - Peter Pan.
She watched Peter Pan over and over again, just letting the video play on loop, sometimes for hours on end just because she loved it so, so much. It had the same quality of her mother's childhood tales of adventure, romance, danger and excitement. It truly left her little young heart soaring whenever she watched it.
'Oh, the cleverness of me!' exclaimed Peter Pan in triumph.
'Of course I did nothing,' Wendy said, rather sarcastically but the message was lost on both Peter and the young Bulla, whose cornflower blue eyes were fixed on the screen.
'Oh, you did a little!'
Bulla squealed at Peter's dismissive attitude and she clapped her small little pudgy hands together in her delight.
"Oh, the cweveness of me!" she cried out, clapping her hands still, pleased she could say a difficult, long word like 'cleverness'.
"Hey, baby sis, I wanna play my new video game with Goten right now. Do you mind if big bro uses the TV?" Trunks asked, smiling at his little sister warmly. She blinked up at him from where she sat, her blue eyes taking in her tall brother's appearance along with his equally tall best friend, Goten.
She blushed a little, a bit reluctant to leave Peter Pan half way through...She would like to have finished watching it at least.
"But...Petew Pan's not fwinished yet!" she mumbled, pouting as she frowned at the screen. It was the part where the crocodile had appeared, grinning longingly up at Captain Hook.
"But you've got the whole day to watch Peter Pan...And I only have about an hour after school to play video games before I have to study and then train with Dad...," Trunks tried to explain, gently. "Can't you please take Lamby outside and have a tea party or something?"
Bulla bit her bottom lip, her large baby blues shifted from her brother's handsome face that looked so very desperately at her to the screen. She nodded, teary eyed but her love for her brother outweighed Peter Pan so she gave in with a reluctant heart.
"Awright! Thanks, Bulla!" Trunks crowed out, grabbing her with his hands and twirling her up over his head. She laughed, delighted to be picked up like this by her brother or parents. She loved it almost as much as when they brought her flying.
"Twunks! Pwomise me that you'll play wif my tea set soon though?" she had panted once he placed her on the floor.
"Sure thing, baby sis," Trunks muttered, smirking at her as he curled his pinky round her tiny one. "Pinky promise!"
"Pinky pwomise!" she chirped up, happily, her mouth stretched wide open as she smiled.
"Have fun, little Bulla!" Goten said, smiling down at her, waving at her as she trotted out of the room but she had rushed to the kitchens in her haste and she couldn't be bothered to hear him anymore.
Lamby was in her arms, clutched tightly and she had raced out to her grandmother's beloved rose gardens to play there. Her lovely tea set was carried out to the table one by one; each precious cup, saucer and teapot all by herself. She had decorated the tiny table as well, covering the table with a white lacy cloth and arranging the cups and saucers carefully so that it was all perfect. One of their robot maids had approached her table to deliver the pastries she'd asked from one of their cooks and it all looked absolutely mouth watering. Bulla's baby blues sparkled in wonder as she took in the gorgeously made sugar cookies decorated with tiny pink rose buds, the strawberry shortcake with fresh cream on top, the lovely pastel pink vanilla rose macarons as well as the strawberry chocolate eclairs.
She licked her lips as she took sniffs of the steaming hot strawberry tea that was being poured into her lovely teapot by the robot maid. Everything smelled and looked heavenly and it made her squeal loudly, burying her pudgy face into her soft Lamby's white fluffy body.
Her tea party was going quite splendidly so far but she just wanted the napkins out in case she accidentally made a mess of things. She requested her robot maid for some and just as the maid was taking them out of her compartment, a strong gust of wind blew down on them hard. Bulla had to shut her eyes tightly and she cried out in alarm at the sight of the fluttering cloths that twirled in the air in another direction. Oh, no! Her napkins!
Without much thought, Bulla rushed forward, running as fast as her short stubby little legs could carry her, trying her best to catch at least one napkin. Everything was going so well! She can't have one napkin escape her precious tea party.
Bulla was caught by surprise when her foot kicked against a stone in her path and she screamed as she fell forward. Her soft, plump arms cushioned her face from being too injured but she could help but bite back on the sting that sprouted all over her now scraped arms and cheek.
Tears welled in her eyes at the pain but just as she got up, she realised that Lamby was no longer in her arms. Oh, dear, where could have her beloved Lamby go!? She had hugged him tightly to her chest as she chased after the napkins just now.
Then her cornflower blue eyes glistened with more tears as she caught sight of her Lamby streaming away in a drain. She had accidentally tossed him into the drain when she fell just now and she's let go off him during her stumble.
"Waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh! Lambyyyyyyyyy!" she screamed out loud, as fresh tears poured out of her eyes. "Lambyyyyy!"
Bulla had fallen to her knees when she tried to run to chase after her soft toy now and that only made her wail even louder. This time she'd scraped her knees and she was bleeding too. The pain combined with her sadness at losing Lamby to the drain made her sob loudly.
A sudden zipping sound appeared from behind and Bulla turned to see what it was, or rather who it was. Her large, glistening blue eyes widened even more as she took in the appearance of a tall man with fair skin and a mop of wild, midnight black hair that stood jutting out in large spikes, all in different directions. His big, innocent, onyx eyes took in her form, widening in return at her bloody knees and the tousled look of her.
"Oh hey, there, little one!" he greeted her, pleasantly, smiling widely at her, those large dark eyes crinkling from the wide stretch of his smile. "Are you okay? It looks like you're bleeding over there?"
Bulla sniffled because again she was reminded of Lamby and how she had probably forever lost him to the drain. The heartache of losing something she so deeply treasured was so awful that she couldn't control the sharp, high pitched cry that burst past her puckered lips.
"Awww, hey, hey! Don't cry, little one! What is it? Is it your knees? Want me to fly you back to your parents and get you all fixed up?" the man asked, concern lacing his tone. He had even crouched low just so he could be on her eye level and a large, calloused hand had reached out to stroke her tiny head gently.
"L-Lambyyyy! Lamby's gwone! I lost Lambyyyyy! Waaaaaaahhh!" she screamed in between sobs.
"Oh, where did you lose him? Let's see if we can get him back, right?" the man said, kindly.
"H-He dwain! Waaaaahh!" Bulla sobbed even more.
"That drain over there?" he confirmed with her, a finger pointed in the direction of the drain.
Bulla nodded but she didn't cease sobbing and crying hysterically.
The tall man chuckled at this while he patted her head still. He got up and cracked his knuckles.
"Okay, hold on then, baby girl," he said, grinning down at her as he gave her an 'OK' symbol with his hand. "I'm gonna go bring back Lamby! Just gimme a minute!"
And just like that, he disappeared in a flash, flying off to chase after her plushie that had been dragged away by the rushing stream of the drain.
Bulla simply slump to the ground and cried gently, still very much devastated by the lost of her favourite soft toy.
Not a minute later, the man in orange and dark blue reappeared in front of her and Bulla scuttled backwards in surprise at his seemingly instant movements. He held up her Lamby who was now no longer white and fluffy but limp and dripping with brown coloured water. He smelled so bad that Bulla's nose immediately wrinkled at the whiff she got from him and he was being held at a distance too. Bulla's cornflower blue eyes blinked at the soft toy in his hands and burst into tears anew.
"Waaaaaahhh! Lamby is so smelly and diwty now!" Bulla wailed, fresh new tears pouring out of her eyes. "Nooo...! Not my Lamby!"
The dark haired man panicked and fumbled a bit in his effort to calm her down.
"Hey, hey, hey! Don't cry! Awww, please, baby girl, don't cry now! I've got your Lamby and he can be cleaned up! Don't worry!" he tried to pacify her, holding up his hands in a motion to calm her.
"No, no, no! Lamby's not my Lamby anymore! He's diwty and smelly!" she continued to cry, her chubby hands rubbing at her eyes profusely.
The man sighed after a minute of trying to make her stop crying which was clearly unproductive. He scratched his head as he wondered what to do, the stuffed toy still clutched in one hand. Then his eyes brightened and he bowed his back to lean down and swiftly scoop up the sobbing little girl in his other muscled arm. The child, who was wailing and sobbing still, wasn't quite aware of what had occurred but she didn't seem to protest being in the arms of a relatively unknown person so he figured it wouldn't hurt to do what he planned. He placed two fingers to his forehead and instantly teleported to wherever Bulma Briefs was.
"Heya, Bulma!" he called, cheerily at the blue haired woman before him.
"Jesus Christ, Goku! What the hell do you think you're doing!? I could've fucking had a heart attack just now! How many times do I have to tell you not to use Instant Transmission when you wanna see me, you dumb ass!" she screeched at him, trying to right herself from where she'd fallen over from shock at his sudden appearance.
"Language, Bulma! We don't wanna have her repeating those words now do we?" he chuckled at her, handing out the crying toddler in his hands.
"Oh, oh! Bulla! My baby Bulla!" Bulma cried out in alarm. "What's happened to her!? Is she alright!?"
"She's scrapped her knees but I think she's more upset because this fell into the drain," he explained, holding up the soiled soft toy.
Bulma wrinkled her nose at the smell but she frowned when she realised what it was.
"Well, no wonder! It's her favourite Lamby...," she muttered. A soft gentle hand stroked Bulla's head as she rocked the small child in her arms, trying to soothe her with calming words and soft kisses to her hair.
"Just gimme a minute, okay?" Goku said as he gave small wave. Again, he used Instant Transmission to teleport elsewhere.
"Hey, wa-!" Bulma tried to stop him but it was too late. He was already gone before she could even finish speaking. She grumbled under her breath about him disappearing off to god knows where with her child's favourite toy but Bulma decided to focus on soothing Bulla and tending to her wounds first.
A few moments later, the little girl sat on her dresser with both knee caps covered in her Barbie band aids. She had calmed down and stopped crying but her heart still mourned for her Lamby's fate. She wondered sadly if she had hurt his feelings when she had cried and said that he wasn't hers anymore now that he was smelly and dirty.
"I'm back!" a loud, jovial voice resounded in her mother's room and Bulla's eyes snapped to the sound. It was the same weird man who had fished her Lamby out of the drain!
"Look what I've got for ya, Bulla!" he beamed at her, holding out both arms he shoved a now fresh, snow white Lamby to her face. "It's Lamby again! Of course I had to wash him with liquid detergent and some softner first before I gave him back to you...See, now he's all fresh and clean!"
Bulla gasped as she took in the sight and scent of her Lamby. He was fluffy and white again and goodness, was that rose scent she was smelling? Bulla reached out to take her Lamby with trembling hands, slowly and carefully almost as though she couldn't even believe that this was indeed her beloved toy. Her small heart was pitter pattering against her tiny ribcage so fast that she could feel it inside, could hear it with her superior sense of hearing.
"Lamby!" she squealed loudly when she finally held him in her arms, face buried in his soft fleece. Humming sweetly, she snuggled even deeper into her lamb plushie.
"Oh, he's all cleaned!" Bulma said, smiling as she watched her now extremely pleased daughter.
"Yeah, I did it real quick at home. Gave him a good washing and I flew back here instead of using Instant Transmission to help dry him faster," Goku explained, returning Bulma's smile.
"What do we say to Mommy's good, kind friend, Bulla?" Bulma asked, pinching her daughter's chubby cheek.
"Thank you!" Bulla said, smiling toothily at the tall man. "Thank you so, so, so, so, sooooo very much, Mistew!"
Goku laughed at her, delighted that he'd managed to make her happy again.
"My pleasure, princess!" he replied.
"Hey, my Daddy and my bwother Twunks calls me pwincess!" she mumbled, wide eyed.
"Ahahaha," Goku laughed again, scratching his head, "Well, you are one! Your dad's a prince so of course you're a princess!"
Bulla's eye lids fluttered at him as she took in the man's appearance. He seemed to be a really nice man and her heart thumped faster when she thought about what a hero he had been to her and her Lamby. In her childlike mind, she felt as though this man was one of the nicest people she had ever encountered and his kindness and brave deed, combined with him addressing her as 'princess' signified that he was probably a courageous warrior like her Daddy and big brother - a wonderful, spectacular person who had changed her life forever.
Those large, glittering cornflower baby blues fluttered at Goku shyly and before Goku or Bulma could do anything, Bulla hopped off of the dresser and scuttled over to Goku only to hug one of his muscled legs.
"Thank you...," she mumbled, her voice muffled by the cloth of his pants. "You swaved my Lamby's life...Oh, the cweveness of you!"
Upon hearing those words, Bulma and Goku exchanged looks and both laughed at her. Goku, who was so amused and taken with her adorable behaviour and words, picked her up easily, Lamby and all, and tossed her into the air, catching her swiftly only to do it again. Bulla burst into peels of high pitched giggles every time her small body was caught again by his big hands.
"Oh, Goku! She got that from a cartoon she watches all the time! Peter Pan! She loves it so much, she's memorised nearly all the lines!" Bulma chortled as she took her little girl back into her arms.
"Your little girl's really cute!" Goku complimented, waving at Bulla.
"Wait, wait! Did you just call him Goku!?" Bulla cried out in disbelief, "As in THE Goku!? The one you went twavelling wif all ovew the wowld!?"
"He's the one..." Bulma whispered, a nostalgic expression settled on her now lined face.
"Wow..." Bulla breathed, eyes sparkling at the tall man with wild hair.
"Hi, Bulla! I'm Goku! We've met before but you were thiiiiiis tiny then!" he gestured with his hands her size when she had just been born.
And thus began Bulla's life with Son Goku truly in it. He met her again and touched her heart changing the way she viewed him and from that day on she would forever look forward to settling her eyes on the familiar face that was Son Goku.
He would visit Capsule Corp every other day of the week and always when he visited, his main goal was to train with her father. He always spared time to talk and play with her though and Bulla was even more entranced by his sweet, kind nature.
Aware of Goku's bottomless pit of a stomach, Bulla made sure to always have her tea table set up with all kinds of goodies just so he could gorge himself on them while he waited for her father to make an appearance. Because she was so fond of sweets, her table never lacked cakes, chocolate pastries and other sugary goodness but for Goku and simply because she truly and utterly adored him, she would be sure to have some meat pies for him at the ready, preferably shepherds pie for he loved those and could gulp one whole mountain of them in one second. He practically inhaled all the food that Bulla would set up for him.
"This is my new dwess! Mommy got it for me! See, it's pink and fwuffy with unicowns all ovew it! Isn't it pwetty!?" she would say, twirling around in a frothy pastel pink gown.
"Hahaha! Yeah, it sure is, princess!" Goku would indulge her, ruffling her hair affectionately.
The little girl would blush when he complimented her, twiddling her thumbs and take surreptitious little peaks at him from under her lashes.
She was a mere five year old little girl but to her no other man was more astounding than Goku, no other man more heroic, no other man was more magnificent than he was...Even her father (although possibly stronger than Goku, in her mind at least) couldn't quite defeat the light that had sparked inside of her heart because of Goku. He had quite simply barged into her life, saved her most precious item and engraved himself in her heart and soul. She was besotted...
There were moments when she had managed to sit him down to watch briefly her favourite animated film, Peter Pan. Goku had indulged in her requests because he really didn't mind cartoons at all as they were his favourite forms of entertainment anyway. When he'd finally seen the scene where Peter Pan says the words she had used on him - "Oh the cleverness of me!" - Goku had howled with laughter, tears threatening to fall from his eyes.
"Haha! So that's where you got it from! 'Oh, the cleverness of me!' but you changed it slightly when you said it to me...'Oh, the cleverness of you!'" he chuckled in his mirth.
Bulla blushed at his words but she was happy to know that Goku found amusement in her. It made her feel special, that she could make him laugh...
And so, this routine would repeat itself for several months. He would arrive at Capsule Corp, he would wait for her father by spending time with her, listening to her tall tales, watching Peter Pan with her and humouring her every whim, and in turn she would feed him and twirl in front of him to show off a new dress or a new pair of slippers or some silly doll she'd received. Always, the intent was to impress Goku and how it thrilled her young heart whenever he smiled down at her and showered her with such sweet compliments.
No other adult had paid her quite this much attention.
Her affections for Goku didn't go unnoticed, however, and Bulma caught onto it very early on. She wasn't perturbed by it exactly but a slight niggling feeling had wormed its way to the back of her mind. It was, to put it plainly, quite hilarious to witness first hand her daughter's crush on her best friend whom she had known nearly all her life. A best friend who happened to be closer to her age than her daughter's and one who seemed completely oblivious to said daughter's burgeoning adoration of him. She had, many a times chuckled in silence behind a hand when she caught sight of her pretty little girl rushing up to greet her beloved Goku with wide arms open and peels of giggles when he picked her up and tossed her into the air. That niggling feeling remained though and she wondered why it existed...Surely, nothing could come of a child's precocious crush on a grown man who could have easily been her grandfather?
But Bulma's worries soon melted away when other pressing issues had arisen. Bulla's love for Goku did not fade away, however, instead it steadily grew until a certain point came and she decided these feelings could not be contained anymore.
Bulla waited for the perfect moment to confess her feelings for him, making sure to avoid her parents or her pesky brother's intrusion. She'd lured him with the promise of meat buns and she'd cleverly arranged another garden setup, outside of their house and away from her family.
"Umm, hey, Goku?" Bulla asked, hesitantly. Her tiny fingers were twiddling with each other but the tall Saiyan wasn't aware of that as he continued stuffing his face in with some meat buns.
"Yo, Bulla! 'Sup!?" Goku mumbled, his voice muffled due to his mouth being still full of the buns.
"Uhhh, I was...I-I was w-wondewing..." she stammered, nervously.
"Uh huh?" Goku hummed as he swallowed his food, hands already reaching out for other buns.
"A-Aw you...?" Bulla stuttered.
"Am I what?" Goku said as he bit into the buns he held.
"A-Aw you mawwied!?" Bulla shouted, eyes shut tight in her embarrassment. Her little girl's heart was thumping furiously inside her small rib cage as she prayed for him to tell her a solid, resounding 'no'. What she heard instead broke her heart into pieces.
"Huh? Married? Hahaha, yeah! I am married actually...," Goku chuckled lightly.
"Wh-What!?" Bulla cried out in heartbreak. Her blue eyes were the size of saucers now and already she could feel the sting of bitterness and heartache creep up behind her eye sockets. "Y-You're mawwied?!"
"Well, yeah...," Goku muttered, scratching the back of his head in that nervous habit he always did when things didn't seem quite so right. Her tone and expression told him it was heading in that direction even though the rest of his brain didn't really understand what exactly was going on. "I am married, Bulla...Goten is my son after all...And Gohan, Goten's older brother is my firstborn kid. Me and Chichi have been married since I was eighteen..."
Bulla bit back a sob as her heart plummeted into the pit of her stomach and tears welled in her eyes. Oh, the devastation...This was worst than Lamby's fall into the drain...
"Awww, hey, baby girl, what's wrong?" Goku asked in worried tones when he saw a tear slid past her cheek. The older Saiyan quickly rushed to the girl and crouched down so he was closer to her eye level. Immediately, those big, warm hands reached out to hold her but Bulla shook her head in denial and stepped back. "What is it, Bulla? C'mon, tell me?"
With quivering lips, Bulla debated on whether to tell him the truth or not but she had always been a most straightforward child and both her mother and father had encouraged her honesty so why stop now? She couldn't lie to Goku anyway...Not Goku...Not the one she loved the most.
"I-I...I w-was h-h-hoping...," she sobbed through fresh tears that were streaming down her chubby cheeks, "I was hoping you'd mawwy me one day when I gwew up!"
Large, innocent charcoal eyes widened in realisation upon hearing that confession and the once oblivious Goku suddenly understood why Bulla was so upset. He was a unique individual who didn't quite have a grasp on romantic love and all of the complicated aspects that came attached to it but he had lived a long life and in his experience with matters of the heart, he knew enough that his status as a married man would have upset her. It would have been the same basically, if all those years ago when he was still an unmarried youth, Chichi had demanded that he marry her only for him to tell her he already was promised to someone else...
But he hadn't been with anyone else then...And his sense of honour had compelled him to fulfil his impulsive, child-like (and-shouldn't-have-been-held-accountable for) promise of marriage to the Ox Princess. And just like that, Son Goku wedded Chichi and they became a family.
Was he in love with her? With the depth and devotion he had heard of from those sappy love songs or seen portrayed in romantic films?, not exactly...
Did he love and care for her though? Yes, that one he could admit freely.
Goku's scrambled thoughts took a back seat though when the young, cerulean haired child sobbed brokenly into her hands in front of him and all thoughts of his understanding of love fled. His large hands encircled her tiny frame and he pulled her to him gently. This time, Bulla allowed him to put his hands on her without resisting. Hugging her close to him and stroking her back gently, Goku tried to soothe her with gentle words of comfort.
"Aww, hey now, princess...Don't cry! I've got you, baby girl...," Goku mumbled softly, one hand patting her head. "I'll still be your friend..."
Bulla was sobbing still but she hiccuped when she heard his words.
"I don't want you to be my fwend...I want you to be my husbawnd..." she stuttered in between sobs.
"Awww, princess, you know I can't do that...I'm already married now...," Goku said but his hands never stopped stroking her and his tone never stopped being soft and soothing.
"It's not faiw! I wanted to mawwy you...! I wish, wish, wish, wish we could be togethew!" the blue haired child cried in her beloved's arms. "I..I love you so much, Goku!"
Goku's heart skipped when he heard her true confession and a small smile tugged at his lips. Somehow, it warmed his heart when he heard her say those words.
"Heh...Thank you, Bulla...," Goku muttered, leaning in until his forehead touched hers. "I may not be able to marry you but somehow...I'm happy to hear you say that..."
Bulla sniffed, brushing her tears away.
"Can you make a pwomise with me?" she asked, eyes suddenly blazing with newfound determination.
"Anything, Bulla!" Goku smiled at her.
"Pwomise me...," she hesitated, licked her lips and then ploughed on, "Pwomise me you'll mawwy me if evew you can! If thewe's any chance...any chance at all, you have to mawwy me, okay!?"
Those large onyx eyes widened once more at the words that had spilled forth of her pouty rose bud lips...Tossing his head back in amusement, Goku laughed out loud, great belly aching laughs that shook his entire frame.
Bulla wasn't amused, however, and she basically sat there in his arms fuming with rage as he laughed at her outrageous request.
"Aw you quite done?" she demanded, her tiny hands curled into fists.
"Ahaha...Yeah, man, you're cute!" Goku laughed softly as he wiped a tear away.
"Do we have a deal!?" Bulla demanded, holding out her pinky. Those blue eyes shone with that same look of resolution and a newfound respect for the little girl blossomed in Goku's heart. His shapely lips stretched broadly into his signature beaming smile and he too held out his pinky to her. A curling of pinkies and it was done.
"Sure, princess...I promise..."

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