TMR Part 0: Prologue

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Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC (Original Character) and added scenes. All rights go to the creators and James Dashner.

    A girl lays on her back in the middle of the grassy field, to her left is the grove of trees and the Homestead is to her right. She mulls over the events that have happened over the past few days. Useless, completely useless! That's what you are, can't do anything right!
She groans, flicking her upside-down gaze to a small group of boys that come through the gaping partition in between the walls covered in sweat. She shifts through her first meeting or more so run-in with a grade-A asshole and recalls him saying that they're surrounded by a giant maze. Rolling onto her stomach she stares at the looming grey cemented walls dropped with vines, as gears in her head turn. They've been here for two years, if there's a way out why haven't they found it yet?

   "What's out there?" She whispers to herself, with no answer in sight. Letting out a huff she pushes up off the ground with her palms, blades of green grass sticking to her hands as she stands up momentarily losing her balance, and glancing around to make sure no one is paying attention lightly jogs toward the West Entrance.

    She cranes her neck to see the top of the thick parted walls, "Jeez, looking at this hurts my neck." She mutters to herself, and drops her gaze inside the Maze, eyes narrowing to catch a glimpse of anything only to find an empty cemented pathway with matching walls that tower on each side. The pathway splits off to the right and a few feet ahead in the opposite direction toward the left, a dead-end parallel to the Maze's entrance.

    Biting her lower lip she glances over her shoulder to see the Gladers starting to get off work and head toward the Cookhouse, looking back at the Maze she mentally debates with herself whether to risk stepping inside or not. It won't hurt to take a couple of steps inside right? In and out that's all.

    Ignoring her shaking hands and pounding heart that threatens to burst from her chest she takes a tentative step closer to the grey cemented path. Wincing at the sound of grass swishing underneath her sneaker she takes another step, and another. Her breath comes in short, shallow gasps that increase her heartbeat with each step. 

Her wide eyes dart from her feet that inch closer and closer, to the cement path bathed in the fading light that descends from the sky, gradually swallowing the grey cement walls in silence.

    Maybe I shouldn't be doing this. She takes a step back and starts to turn toward the Glade only to hear the sound of faint clicking.

    What was that? Sounded like... footsteps? Whipping her head around she strains to catch a glimpse of whatever made that noise only to see nothing, quiet ringing in her ears.
Shrugging she waves off the noise as her imagination only to hear it a second time, click, click, click... whirl.

   What the hell is that? Curiosity getting the best of her she unconsciously walks the short distance into the Maze, her shoes slapping against the cement echoing off the looming grey barriers on either side. 

    "Hello?" She calls out, only to get no response, frowning she takes a tentative step further inside only to jump at the sound of clicking followed by another whirl calling from the impenetrable darkness. 

    "Is somebody there?" She holds her breath, jerking her head every which way for the source only to end up disappointed.

    Just as she lets her guard down the sound of an ear-piercing screech fills her ears, drowning out her scream, as several clicks and whirls surround her from the enclosing darkness, the faint sound of her name lost to silence.  

Hope you liked the chapter. Let me know if there's anything I can approve on whether story or general writing. If there are any spelling errors could you point them out so I can fix them? (If that's not too much to ask). 

- SunshineRain83

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