Chapter 1 Through the Forest

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Cold water slams into Prim as she lands in the moat. She gasps, sucking in a mouthful of water. Closing her mouth, she frantically swims towards the surface, her limbs feeling heavy. The skirts of her dress drag her down. Managing to break through the water, she coughs out a bucket load of water. Catching her breath, she fearfully looks around and her mouth drops open at the burning castle before her.

Flames rise out of the castle windows, illuminating the darkened skies. Members of the castle flee, screaming in terror. The sound of wood breaking fills the air. Embers shoot out of the flames. Prim feels tears well up in her eyes and begin to leak down her cheeks. The sound of horses breaks her out of her horrified trance, and she turns to see horses rounding the castle. Gritting her teeth, she quickly swims out of the moat and runs.

"She's getting away!" A figure screams. The sound of hooves trails behind Prim. Tears run down her cheeks. She frantically looks around before seeing the forest surrounding the castle. She didn't like the forest; however, she doesn't see what other choice she has. Running towards it, she is engulfed in the trees. Sticks and leaves crunch and break underneath her as she runs. Her vision is blurry from the tears, causing her to stumble and almost fall several times. Branches smack her as she runs by. Her heart thuds frantically in her chest. Her skirt gets caught and snags on the bushes and low hanging branches, causing it to tear in several places.

The sound of running footsteps causes Prim to run faster. She whimpers and feels panic growing inside of her. She can't be caught. Not like the others. She needs to get away so she can come back another day. An arrow whizzes past her and she gasps. It lands with a thunk! in one of the trees. Breathing harder, another arrow whizzes past her, nicking her cheek. She inhales sharply and she starts running, willing her legs to go faster.

She silently pleads that she'll get out of this situation. That she'll escape alive. Men shout all around her, but the frantic beating of her heart drowns out what they are saying. Prim has no idea where she is going. She's only been in the forest a handful of times, and that was usually with her family. It's too dark for her to see any familiar landmarks or paths for her to take. And with the men pursuing her, she can hardly focus on trying to find any of those paths.

Up ahead, she hears the sound of running water. Her gut plummets when she sees a river. She stops just as she reaches it. She sees stones that lead to the other side. The river is wide, and the water is rushing through. The sound of footsteps grows louder behind her. She clenches her fists and hikes up her skirts.

Jumping onto the first stone, her foot slips slightly but she manages to keep her footing. Sweat slides down her forehead and down her back. Breathing hard, she jumps to the next stone. The water rushing below her drowns out all other noises. Heart pounding, she jumps to the next stone, nearly slipping again.

"There she is!" One man shouts. Prim's heart lurches and she jumps to the next stone. She jumps again just as an arrow whizzes past her, slicing across her arm. She gasps and slips, landing in the freezing lake. The current proceeds to carry her way. She barely manages to come back up, gasping at the cold. She tries swim against the current, but it's too strong. Swimming towards the surface, she isn't strong enough.

Slamming into a rock, she cries out as she continues going. Water slams down onto her, dragging her under. She frantically swims towards the surface. Barely managing to come back up, she coughs and sputters. She tries to grab onto the rocks passing her by, but she ends up slipping. Her arms and legs are numb. Breathing hard, she slams into another rock. Crying out, she tries and fails to swim towards the surface. More water crashes down on her, pulling her under.

She uses as much strength as she can to break the surface. Coughing and gasping for air, tears run down her cheeks again. This is it. This is how she's going to die. No family, alone, and wet. She shakes her head. NO! She's not done yet. Not when her family needs her.

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