Chapter 9 Garden Walk

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A week passes and Prim slowly adjusts to her new life. The princess's demands have died down and she is reasonable enough to work alongside with. Prim and Colton have met a few times in the library, but only for a short while to discuss books and their day.

Entering the library on Monday morning, Prim gets to work dusting the shelves. Going along the shelves with her feather duster, she accidentally knocks a couple of the books off the shelves. She sighs and picks them up. Her thoughts turn back to the mess her room was in a week ago. She wonders just who did it. She hasn't been able to figure it out. She and Colton theorized about it, but every time they come up with something it gets quickly shot down. She has no idea who ransacked her room or why. For the time being, she'll just have to contend with the fact that it was probably a thief that somehow gotten into the castle.

When she had told the Queen about this, the Queen increased security throughout the castle. What was odd to Prim though, was the Queen once again seemed interested in how she slept when she had stated she had slept in the guest room she first stayed in. She had responded, telling her she was having trouble getting to sleep, so she went to library to read and had dozed off. The Queen had seemed to mull this over before dismissing her to return to her work. Prim thought it odd that the Queen would ask her how she slept when it came to that room.

Putting the books back on the shelves, she continues on. Reaching the other side of the room, Prim finds a few books on plants. Looking around, she sets down her feather duster and pulls out a book about flowers. She has no idea what she is doing. Just that, those weird plants were still out there when she last checked. Meaning she had actually grown them with her tears. She has no idea what happened and is beginning to wonder what is going on.

Flipping through the book, she hears the library door open, and she jumps. She quickly puts the book back on the shelf, noting the name of it, before picking up her feather duster. She continues dusting when she hears footsteps. Turning, she sees the princess walking towards her.

"There you are, Lyra," she says. At least she stopped calling her, lady-in-waiting. "My brother and I are going into the village, and I would like you to come along with us."

Prim blinks in surprise.

"Whatever for, your highness?" she asks, as she finishes up with the shelves.

"I need my lady-in-waiting there when I pick out my dresses for the Autumn season," Odella says, as if this is obvious. "Now, come along."

Her nose wrinkles up though when she sees the dust covering Prim's dress.

"Although, I would change first," she says before turning and striding out of the library. Prim sighs but then perks up when she realizes that Colton will be there. At least this whole thing won't be too boring. Although, she doubts he'll be staying to watch his sister choose out dresses.

Shrugging, she walks out of the library and down the hall to her room, putting away the feather duster as she does. Changing into a clean red dress, she walks out and towards the entrance. She sees the prince and princess waiting for her. Thankfully she is on time. Colton smiles when he sees her. She waves and he waves back.

"Alright, let's be off," Odella says and they head out, with a couple of guards trailing behind them. They head down the path and into the village. Colton and Prim chat as they walk.

"So, how did you get roped into this?" he asks, as they make their way through the village.

"The princess wanted her lady-in-waiting there to help her select out dresses for the Autumn season," she explains. "How about you?"

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