Chapter 3 First Day

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Hearing a knock at her door early the next morning, Prim jolts awake and sits up. Checking her window, she sees that the sun is just barely rising. Tossing her covers off, she gets up and heads towards the door. Opening it, she sees Harley there, grinning.

"Good morning milady," she says as she walks on in. Prim closes the door behind her. Harley opens the other two windows in the room, letting in more sunlight. Prim blinks rapidly for a moment before Harley begins to bustle about, gathering up Prim's lady-in-waiting uniform. Prim's room is huge. A large, four poster bed sits up against the wall, with a vanity stand a few feet away from it. Large shelves filled with books sits along the opposite wall facing the bed. A desk sits on the opposite side of the bed. The floor is beautifully polished, and a chandelier hangs over the room, this one adorned with golden hoops. The curtains are red as well.

Prim hears Harley in her bathroom preparing everything. She makes her way over to the bathroom, untying her braid as she went along. She reaches the bathroom and Harley proceeds to pull her in.

"Come on miss," she says as she begins to undress Prim. Prim almost squeaks in embarrassment. "We don't have all day."

She practically shoves Prim into bathtub. Prim can hardly relax though when Harley is already getting to work washing her hair. Prim gets to work cleaning herself. Once she is finished, Harley drags her out of the bathtub and hands her a towel. Drying herself off while she prepares her clothes, Prim wraps the towel around herself and walks out of the bathroom. Harley pulls her over and begins to dress her. She dresses her in a long, ruby red, short sleeve dress with a golden belt. The collar is golden, and the edges of the skirt are golden as well. Once she is done, she hurries her over to the vanity stand. Tying her hair up into a bun, she pulls a piece of cloth over her head to keep back any stray hairs. Tying it, she adds some earrings. Prim slips on a pair of brown slippers.

"Come along now," Harley says. "I must show you to Princess Odella's room. She is not a very patient woman."

Prim nods and Harley leads her out of the room. Leading her down the hall, she turns left and right. Prim takes careful note of each of the halls and staircases. Of course, Harley is going to be there for her for the next week in order to help her get adjusted to finding all the rooms. However, it would be good for her to memorize everything in order to make Harley's life easier.

They reach a wooden door and Harley knocks on it. Prim hears shuffling coming from inside. Harley nods and opens the door. Prim follows in after her. Harley strides over to one of the windows and opens the curtains. Sunlight streams into the room. The figure in the bed covers herself with the covers. Prim steps over to Odella's dresser.

"Come along your highness," Harley says and removes the covers. "You must tell Lyra what you want her to retrieve for you today so that you may be dressed appropriately and ready for the day."

Odella grumbles but sits up. She rolls her eyes, her curly hair sticking up in odd ends. She narrows her eyes at Prim.

"I would like my emerald, green dress, with the short sleeves if you don't mind," she says. "Along with my black slippers. Harley, have a bath drawn up for me."

"Yes, your highness," she says and scurries off into her bathroom. Odella turns back to Prim and arches a brow at her.

"Well?" she asks. "Get my clothes."

Prim curtsies and rushes over to Odella's closet. She quickly tracks down the emerald dress and shoes. Coming out, she sets out her dress. She hears Odella in the tub already. Preparing everything at her vanity stand, along with an assortment of jewelry for her to wear, she hears footsteps and turns to see Odella walking out. She rushes over.

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