The Start of A New Story (Again I know)

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TW: Mentions of Death and Murder

Welcome back or welcome, dependent on who you are. If you are new, hello! Welcome to the squad! If you aren't, what's up? How ya been? It's been a while.

I've been in this Fandom for a long time, but I haven't written anything for it. If you don't know what this Fandom is, or don't know what I'm talking about in general. There is an anime on YouTube (I watched it on YouTube originally) called Angels of Death, that I have really enjoyed. I think you would enjoy it too! Totally watch it!

Anyways, I've seen alot of fiction around here about it, but I decided to make my own spin on them. I've seen male readers involving romance and things, and don't get me wrong, male readers are great, I just don't thing romance would fit here. Not in this story at least.

So I'm making my own Child Reader inside of the Angel's Of Death Universe fic! I'm gonna explain some things, and this is already really long so yeah.

1. Reader will be referred to, pronouns wise, with He/They/It. Not in that order exactly, but it will be important to note. Zack, Abraham and Daniel will use the pronouns of It/It's for them. Catherine will use It/They pronouns for them. Rachel and Eddie will use He/They pronouns for them.

Why all of these pronouns? It will be explained in the plot later on.

2. Reader is a killer as well as the others in the anime(I am going off the anime), though he is a child much like Eddie and Rachel. He has his own floor, and his own place, much like Zacks floor in the anime. Yet theirs is carnival themed.

Hey, if they can fit a multitude of alleyways inside one single floor, they can fit some carnival games and a small ferris-wheel in a floor as well.

They are all aware of each other's existence. Thought all of the people on the place don't visit each others floors, they know that others exist, and have realitively negative options about the other.

Another thing will be that this will definitely be a choice based fic. Not entirely, but it will have some choices that you are supposed to choose to progress the story. Along with the fact that Readers backstory of how he came to be, will be based purely on the choices you choose.

There's also the fact that, this will be a slow burn fic. This will go at a very slow pace, but it will eventually follow in the plot of the anime. As the other characters meet Reader, and interact with them.

I think this is everything, but if I need to add anything else, then I will. There will be warnings, but if you've read the Manga, or seen the anime then you know what to expect.

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