Greetings and Salutations

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A field of untouched grass rustled in the wind, dancing in the breeze as Bomb, OJ and 12 others stood around aimlessly. Some were standing by themselves, others were talking and getting to know their peers/competitors, others seemed to have already known each others, like Bomb and OJ.

"That's a lot of people." Bomb signed. New places and people made him nervous so signing helped out a lot. OJ knows him very well and gave Bomb a comforting nudge. "I'm sure they're all nice people." OJ signed reassuringly to Bomb, who gave him a small smile. As nerve wrecking it was to meet new people in a completely foreign environment, Bomb was glad ot have OJ by his side.

Frankly, he hopes that he would always be by his side. Bomb's face hues a faint red, now that he realized that his feelings for OJ is a bit more than platonic, it was hard to get him off his mind, or act remotely casual. Well, it's not like Bomb wasn't always flustered around OJ, he was always a bit of a wreck around him but now its 10 time worse with the awareness of a harmless crush on his best friend.

Sometimes Bomb wonders if OJ shares the same feelings as well. Out of the years that they have spent together, OJ had never had a crush on anyone. Though OJ was quite popular, especially with the girls at school, probably it was his stellar grades (even if his mom is a huge jerk about it). Maybe it was how mature he was compared to the other boys in class (the way his childhood was had forced him to be more independent when he shouldn't have been). Or maybe it was his eyes (Bomb swears they're like emeralds, so pure and always glistening with a vibrant hue. He could stare into them forever and let all his worries melt away. And he means that in the most friend way possible). Perhaps OJ just, wasn't into people. He always seemed too busy to bother in romantic feelings, despite one of his favorite genres being romance. Bomb also swears that OJ's eyes would linger at him, but always look away with a blush on his face when Bomb catches him. Maybe he was overthinking it. OJ then snapped Bomb back to reality after he prodded Bomb's cheek with a slightly puzzled expression.

"You ok? You've been spacing out a lot." He signed.

"I'm alright! Just, a bit overwhelmed."

"It's ok! I'm here for you." OJ smiled softly at him.

Bomb blushed. "Thanks."

Before they could blush even further, a robotic looking man in a blue vest approached them and the other contestants.

"Greetings and salutations! I am your host, MePhone4! And this is Inanimate Insanity! A show where these contestants compete for $1,000,000!"

Bomb glanced at OJ, who seemed nervous, but visibly excited. Another glance, he saw the same type of reaction from his peers. Some determined, some mildly interested, some overly excited.

"The challenges they will face will be gross, disgusting and deathly!"

Some of the contestants faces turned. Deathly is something you don't really want to hear in a competition you're in. MePhone then explained the rules of the game, how one person will be eliminated each episode via voting. Now their first challenge was to, literally jump off a cliff.

"Okay, so the first challenge will be to jump off this 60-foot cliff. The first two contestants to jump off the cliff wins! And get to pick this season's teams!"

"This should be easy." A tall, scarred guy with silver hair who stood next to Bomb chuckled.

It indeed, was not. The winner had to jump into the pool of water, and avoid the elephant feces (Bomb saw the same silver haired guy explain to another contestant with white hair and pink and blue eyes what feces was). Who in the world thought this was okay?

"Don't worry guys! I have loads of experience jumping off cliffs!" A green eyed contestant said proudly.

"Wait, what does that even mea-" Before the red haired baseball guy could finish, the green eyed guy jumped off, screaming, and fell into the feces. ("That's disgusting!")

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